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Receptors, Purinergic P2X3
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Steven Paul Balk, M.D., Ph.D.
Co-Authors (117)
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Co-Authors are people in Profiles who have published together.
Alatrakchi, Nadia
Aldubayan, Saud
Alt, Frederick
Anderson, Kenneth
Asara, John
Avigan, David
Baca, Sylvan
Bao, Bo
Barbie, David
Beltran, Himisha
Beroukhim, Rameen
Bhan, Atul
Blumberg, Richard
Brenner, Michael
Brown, Myles
Bubley, Glenn
Burke, Kelly
Chen, Eddy
Cheney, Catherine
Choudhury, Atish
Clohessy, John
D'Amico, Anthony
De Vivo, Immaculata
Dougan, Stephanie
Einstein, David
Eisert, Robyn
El Bakouny, Ziad
Elmarakeby, Haitham
Fiorentino, Michelangelo
Freedman, Matthew
Getz, Gad
Golub, Todd
Greenfield, Edward
Griffin, James
Grusby, Michael
Hafler, David
Hagen, Susan
Hahn, William
Hart, Jaime
Hecht, Jonathan
Hodi, Frank
Hou, Runhua
Iliopoulos, Othon
Iyer, Hari
James, Peter
Jonas, Oliver
Joyce, Robin
Kantoff, Philip
Kaplan, Irving
Karp, Jeffrey
Kibel, Adam
Kim, Haesook
Kochupurakkal, Bose
Kolodny, Gerald
Ku, Sheng-Yu
Kuchroo, Vijay
Kung, Justin
Laden, Francine
Lee, Gwo-Shu Mary
Lencer, Wayne
Liu, David
Loda, Massimo
Long, Henry
Look, A.
Luster, Andrew
Lynch, Lydia
Makusha, Lovemore
Manrai, Arjun
Mantzoros, Christos
Mathew, Paul
Mei, Shenglin
Meyer, Clifford
Morton, Cynthia
Mouw, Kent
Mucci, Lorelei
Munshi, Nikhil
Neuberg, Donna
Nouri, Mannan
Ono, Yuho
Penney, Kathryn
Pihan, German
Poluben, Larysa
Polyak, Kornelia
Pomerantz, Mark
Prabhala, Rao
Qiu, Xintao
Rebbeck, Timothy
Regan, Meredith
Ritz, Jerome
Rosenblatt, Jacalyn
Ross, Kenneth
Sackstein, Robert
Salari, Keyan
Saylor, Philip
Seo, Ji-Heui
Shapiro, Geoffrey
Signoretti, Sabina
Smith, Matthew
Snapper, Scott
Spentzos, Dimitrios
Spooner, Amy
Stopsack, Konrad
Sykes, David
Taplin, Mary-Ellen
Terhorst, Cornelis
Tewari, Alok
Toker, Alex
Tung, Nadine
Uhl, Lynne
Van Allen, Eliezer
Varkaris, Andreas
Weisberg, Ellen
Wu, Jim
Wucherpfennig, Kai
Wulf, Gerburg
Yaffe, Michael
Yuan, Xin
Balk's Networks
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Concepts (825)
Derived automatically from this person's publications.
Antigens, CD1
Receptors, Androgen
Androgen Receptor Antagonists
Prostatic Neoplasms
Co-Authors (117)
People in Profiles who have published with this person.
Bubley, Glenn
Taplin, Mary-Ellen
Yuan, Xin
Nouri, Mannan
Poluben, Larysa
Similar People (60)
People who share similar concepts with this person.
Beltran, Himisha
Nguyen, Paul
D'Amico, Anthony
Taplin, Mary-Ellen
Kantoff, Philip
Same Department
People in same department with this person.
Bassal, Mahmoud
Liu, Zhaoji
Shea, Meghan
Shimer, Sophia
Tatake, Ishan
Physical Neighbors
People whose addresses are nearby this person.
Come, Steven
Bullock, Andrea
Drews, Reed
Kobayashi, Susumu
Zerillo, Jessica