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Roger B.H. Tootell, Ph.D.
Similar People (59)
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The people in this list are ordered by decreasing similarity. (* These people are also co-authors.)
Wolfe, Jeremy
Vanduffel, Wim
Livingstone, Marge
Nasr, Shahin
Pascual-Leone, Alvaro
Arcaro, Michael
Kreiman, Gabriel
Born, Richard
Smirnakis, Stelios
Nelson, Charles
Vaina, Lucia
Merabet, Lotfi
Keshavan, Matcheri
Buckner, Randy
Hadjikhani, Nouchine
Ponce, Carlos
Peli, Eliezer
Hensch, Takao
Ahveninen, Jyrki
Battelli, Lorella
Esterman, Michael
Holt, Daphne
Shenton, Martha
Verfaellie, Mieke
Wald, Lawrence
Rosen, Bruce
Fischl, Bruce
Sperling, Reisa
Glahn, David
Fagiolini, Michela
Fried, Shelley
Rauch, Scott
DeGutis, Joseph
Laureys, Steven
Dickerson, Bradford
Fox, Michael
Golby, Alexandra
Brown, Emery
Pizzagalli, Diego
Borsook, David
Hyman, Bradley
Assad, John
Whitfield-Gabrieli, Susan
Daffner, Kirk
Warfield, Simon
Manoach, Dara
Budson, Andrew
Kuperberg, Gina
Kubicki, Marek
Burstein, Rami
Fulton, Anne
Cash, Sydney
Fregni, Felipe
Napadow, Vitaly
Kveraga, Kestutis
Niznikiewicz, Margaret
Stufflebeam, Steven
Fortenbaugh, Francesca
Ressler, Kerry
Tootell's Networks
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Concepts (201)
Derived automatically from this person's publications.
Pattern Recognition, Visual
Visual Cortex
Brain Mapping
Visual Perception
Photic Stimulation
Co-Authors (38)
People in Profiles who have published with this person.
Holt, Daphne
Nasr, Shahin
Vanduffel, Wim
Hadjikhani, Nouchine
Babadi, Baktash
Similar People (59)
People who share similar concepts with this person.
Nasr, Shahin
Livingstone, Marge
Wolfe, Jeremy
Vanduffel, Wim
Pascual-Leone, Alvaro
Same Department
People in same department with this person.
Lev, Michael
Medarova, Zdravka
Stewart, Zachary
Wu, Ona
Young, Sean
Physical Neighbors
People whose addresses are nearby this person.
Kohler, Rainer
Vinegoni, Claudio
Jenkins, Bruce
Ahn, Andrew
Ay, Ilknur