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Vamsi Krishna Mootha, M.D.
Co-Authors (151)
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Co-Authors are people in Profiles who have published together.
Adelmant, Guillaume
Alexa, Kristen
Altshuler, David
Asara, John
Asnani, Aarti
Avorn, Jerome
Avruch, Joseph
Ayata, Cenk
Bagchi, Aranya
Ballarano, Carmine
Banks, Alexander
Baron, Rebecca
Berra, Lorenzo
Berriz, Gabriel
Berry, Gerard
Bittner, Edward
Bloch, Donald
Bonventre, Joseph
Brown, Jennifer
Calvo, Sarah
Cetinbas, Murat
Chao, Luke
Cheng, Susan
Chutkow, William
Clapham, David
Clardy, Jon
Corey, Kathleen
Cunningham, Carrie
Daly, Mark
Daniels, Gilbert
Davids, Matthew
Dias-Santagata, Dora
Ebert, Benjamin
Fifer, Michael
Fisch, Adam
Fleischman, Amy
Florez, Jose
Fox, Caroline
Freedman, Matthew
Gerszten, Robert
Getz, Gad
Gewurz, Benjamin
Gillette, Michael
Goessling, Wolfram
Gold, Nina
Golub, Todd
Goodman, Russell
Grabarek, Zenon
Grinspoon, Steven
Gusella, James
Gygi, Steven
Harper, Wade
Hayes, Frances
Heidari, Pedram
Hibbert, Kathryn
Higgins, John
Hildick-Smith, Gordon
Hill, David
Hirschhorn, Joel
Houstis, Nicholas
Howrigan, Daniel
Hung, Deborah
Iafrate, Anthony
Ichimura, Takaharu
Ichinose, Fumito
Imber, David
Italiano, Joseph
Jambhekar, Ashwini
Karaa, Amel
Karczewski, Konrad
Keskin, Derin
Khandekar, Melin
Kim, Young-Bum
Kirschner, Marc
Kulkarni, Rohit
Lander, Eric
Lee, Richard
Lennerz, Belinda
Letai, Anthony
Lewis, Gregory
Lichtenegger, Paul
Lowell, Bradford
Ludwig, David
MacDonald, Marcy
Mahmood, Umar
Malhotra, Rajeev
Mandinova, Anna
Marutani, Eizo
Mazzini, Michael
Morizane, Ryuji
Mullen, Alan
Nahrendorf, Matthias
Nakagawa, Akito
Neale, Benjamin
Neuberg, Donna
O'Donnell, Christopher
Oliva, Esther
Orefice, Lauren
Ott, Christopher
Palacios, Igor
Parangi, Sareh
Paulo, Joao
Pomeroy, Scott
Puigserver, Pere
Rajagopal, Jayaraj
Rath, Sneha
Rehm, Heidi
Rhee, Eugene
Rhee, James
Rosenzweig, Anthony
Rubin, Eric
Ruvkun, Gary
Sabatine, Marc
Sabbisetti, Venkata
Sadow, Peter
Sadreyev, Ruslan
Sankaran, Vijay
Saxena, Richa
Schatzman-Bone, Stephanie
Schmahmann, Jeremy
Segre, Ayellet
Seidman, Christine
Seidman, Jonathan
Shaw, Stanley
Shih, Angela
Shrestha, Nirajan
Siegmund, Stephanie
Sonny, Abraham
Sosnovik, David
Spiegelman, Bruce
Springer, Michael
Stanley, Takara
Thadhani, Ravi
Van Allen, Eliezer
Vantaku, Venkata Rao
Vidal, Marc
Wakimoto, Hiroko
Walker, James
Walker, Melissa
Walt, David
Ward, Patrick
Wellner, Sandra
Wengrod, Jordan
Wilson, Brian
Wirth, Lori
Wu, Catherine
Yellen, Gary
Yialamas, Maria
Yu, Binglan
Zazzeron, Luca
Zhang, Shuting
Mootha's Networks
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Concepts (792)
Derived automatically from this person's publications.
Oxidative Phosphorylation
DNA, Mitochondrial
Calcium Channels
Mitochondrial Diseases
Co-Authors (151)
People in Profiles who have published with this person.
Walker, Melissa
Goodman, Russell
Gewurz, Benjamin
Ichinose, Fumito
Calvo, Sarah
Similar People (60)
People who share similar concepts with this person.
Puigserver, Pere
Gygi, Steven
Kahn, C.
Alkuraya, Fowzan
Clapham, David
Same Department
People in same department with this person.
Betsinger, Cora
Grabarek, Zenon
Higgins, John
Rath, Sneha
Wellner, Sandra
Physical Neighbors
People whose addresses are nearby this person.
Donahoe, Patricia
Lee, Jong
Wang, Betty
Saxena, Richa
Higgins, John