Harvard Catalyst Profiles

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Carlos Gustavo Torres, M.D.

Concepts (72)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
Down Syndrome320239010.360 Why?
Professional-Patient Relations120157260.350 Why?
Gender Identity120157660.340 Why?
Pyridoxal Phosphate420021250.270 Why?
Edetic Acid420022830.260 Why?
Qualitative Research1201530230.240 Why?
Health Personnel1201533350.200 Why?
Healthcare Disparities1201533570.170 Why?
Long QT Syndrome220154670.160 Why?
Manganese219973950.150 Why?
Agrochemicals12014100.120 Why?
Isoflurane120153840.100 Why?
KCNQ1 Potassium Channel120111020.090 Why?
Potassium Channels, Voltage-Gated120111410.090 Why?
Action Potentials2201518340.090 Why?
Anesthetics, Inhalation120155740.090 Why?
Contrast Media4200253110.080 Why?
Mutagenesis, Site-Directed1201116930.080 Why?
Social Support1201521720.060 Why?
Liver2199775320.060 Why?
Boston1201593300.050 Why?
Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice1201540140.050 Why?
Communication Barriers120234130.040 Why?
Renal Insufficiency, Chronic1201422430.040 Why?
Magnetic Resonance Imaging42002364230.040 Why?
Reproducibility of Results12015200930.040 Why?
Delivery of Health Care2202353350.030 Why?
El Salvador12014330.030 Why?
Language1202315390.030 Why?
Europe2199734230.030 Why?
Liver Diseases1200212970.030 Why?
Agriculture120141910.030 Why?
Safety1199711500.030 Why?
Young Adult22015592070.020 Why?
Caregivers1202222370.020 Why?
Mutation12015300450.020 Why?
Adolescent22015883130.020 Why?
Parents1202335640.020 Why?
Humans1120237614230.020 Why?
Sex Distribution1201422810.020 Why?
Mental Health1202332490.020 Why?
Age Distribution1201428800.020 Why?
Tomography, X-Ray Computed22002205560.020 Why?
Polymers1201416140.020 Why?
HEK293 Cells1201542780.020 Why?
Male620153607360.020 Why?
Female620153925810.010 Why?
Liver Neoplasms2199743200.010 Why?
Pandemics1202386410.010 Why?
Pancreatic Neoplasms1200053650.010 Why?
Poverty1201426970.010 Why?
Ultrasonography1201459700.010 Why?
Environmental Exposure1201444670.010 Why?
Aged, 80 and over32000589560.010 Why?
Cell Line12011156050.010 Why?
Middle Aged520142208260.010 Why?
Adult520142211480.010 Why?
Prevalence12014157170.010 Why?
Body Mass Index12014129510.010 Why?
Diagnosis, Differential22002129700.010 Why?
Chi-Square Distribution1200234180.010 Why?
Infusions, Intravenous1200022180.010 Why?
Child12023801620.010 Why?
United States12022723390.010 Why?
ROC Curve1200235800.010 Why?
Aged420021692350.010 Why?
Image Enhancement1200228840.010 Why?
Risk Factors12014741670.000 Why?
Sensitivity and Specificity12002146640.000 Why?
Prospective Studies22002544150.000 Why?
Neoplasm Staging12000111060.000 Why?
Image Processing, Computer-Assisted1200089990.000 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.