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Sean Megason, Ph.D.

Similar People (60)

Similar people share similar sets of concepts, but are not necessarily co-authors.
The people in this list are ordered by decreasing similarity.
Name Also Co-Authors Similarity Score Why?
Leonard Ira Zon, M.D. Yes 167.2
Michael Levin, Ph.D.61.54
A. Thomas Look, M.D.42.96
Clifford J. Tabin, Ph.D.42.68
Wolfram Goessling, M.D., Ph.D. Yes 38.17
David M. Langenau, Ph.D.34.92
Calum Archibald MacRae, M.D., Ph.D.31.82
Matthew Harris, Ph.D.31.56
Norbert Perrimon, Ph.D.30.53
Trista Elizabeth North, Ph.D. Yes 27.70
Mark C Fishman, M.D.25.70
Friedhelm Hildebrandt, M.D.22.08
John Elliott Dowling, Ph.D.21.83
Louis Martens Kunkel, Ph.D.21.43
Timothy J. Mitchison, Ph.D. Yes 21.02
Don Ingber, M.D.,Ph.D.18.80
Caroline Erter Burns, Ph.D.17.61
George Quentin Daley, M.D., Ph.D. Yes 17.27
Rakesh K. Jain, Ph.D.15.98
Ralph Weissleder, M.D., Ph.D.15.19
Fowzan Sami Alkuraya, M.B.,B.S. Yes 15.08
Jenna Lauren Galloway, Ph.D.14.58
Christopher A. Walsh, M.D., Ph.D.13.82
Lisa V. Goodrich, Ph.D.13.37
Stuart Holland Orkin, M.D.12.59
Gord Fishell, Ph.D.12.55
Marc W. Kirschner, Ph.D. Yes 12.44
Shiaulou Yuan, Ph.D.11.88
Alan Hendrie Beggs, Ph.D.11.52
Vandana Gupta, Ph.D.10.93
Eng H. Lo, Ph.D.10.69
Constance Cepko, Ph.D.10.39
David P. Corey, Ph.D.10.25
Paola Arlotta, Ph.D.9.968
Jae Keith Joung, M.D.,Ph.D.9.716
Kana Ishimatsu, Ph.D. Yes 9.707
Robert S. Langer, Sc.D.9.648
David K.C. Cooper, M.B., M.D., Ph.D.9.597
Felix Eiran John Ellett, Ph.D.9.461
Seth Leo Alper, M.D., Ph.D.9.371
Ramesh Shivdasani, M.D.,Ph.D.9.328
Spyros Artavanis-Tsakonas, Ph.D.9.309
Joan Siefert Brugge, Ph.D.9.207
William T. Pu, M.D.8.989
John J. Rosowski, Ph.D.8.988
Simon Keith Warfield, Ph.D.8.712
Ken Arai, Ph.D.8.684
Jerrold R Turner, M.D., Ph.D.8.649
Alan Yi-Hui Hsu, Ph.D.8.453
Olivier Pourquie, Ph.D.8.389
Timothy Alan Springer, Ph.D.8.181
Vadim Gladyshev, Ph.D.8.119
Guillermo James Tearney, M.D., Ph.D.8.069
James J. Collins, Ph.D.8.066
Richard T. Lee, M.D.8.060
Nathan Judson McDannold, Ph.D.7.985
Seok-Hyun Yun, Ph.D.7.932
Yingzi Yang, Ph.D.7.900
Martin Leon Yarmush, M.D., Ph.D.7.848
Carl-Fredrik Westin, Ph.D.7.836
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.