Harvard Catalyst Profiles

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Mark Lawrence Zeidel, M.D.

Co-Authors (76)

Co-Authors are people in Profiles who have published together.
Co-Authors are listed by decreasing relevence which is based on the number of co-publications and the years which they were written.
Name Most Recent
Number of
Co-Author Score Why?
Warren Gary Hill, Ph.D.2021243.430 Why?
Weiqun Yu, M.D., Ph.D.2022112.750 Why?
John C Mathai, Ph.D.2019232.490 Why?
Melanie Paige Hoenig, M.D.202042.060 Why?
Anne Verstegen, Ph.D.202461.360 Why?
Ian Bryce MacIver, Ph.D.201470.760 Why?
Shoshana Joy Herzig, M.D.202120.640 Why?
Melissa L.P. Mattison, M.D.201420.530 Why?
John Danziger, M.D.201410.510 Why?
Bradford Barr Lowell, M.D.,Ph.D.202420.490 Why?
Barry Morton Brenner, M.D.199290.450 Why?
Theodore Irving Steinman, M.D.202030.390 Why?
Chenxi Qiu, Ph.D.202120.380 Why?
Mark David Aronson, M.D.201420.370 Why?
Julian Lawrence Seifter, M.D.198860.340 Why?
Elda Arrigoni, Ph.D.202430.300 Why?
Simon Christopher Robson, M.B.Ch.B., Ph.D.202430.270 Why?
Sagar Ramrao Barge, Ph.D.202410.250 Why?
Julius Jong Yang, M.D., Ph.D.201720.240 Why?
Barbara Caldarone, Ph.D.202120.230 Why?
Veronique VanderHorst, M.D., Ph.D.201920.220 Why?
Daniel Nicholas Ricotta, M.D.202110.210 Why?
Nathan Hutzel Raines, M.D.202010.200 Why?
Martin Russell Pollak, M.D.202010.190 Why?
Yuan Hao, Ph.D.201910.180 Why?
Stewart Harris Lecker, M.D., Ph.D.201810.170 Why?
Leon Dahomey Sanchez, M.D.201710.150 Why?
Joseph Loscalzo, M.D.201710.150 Why?
Bernardo Luis Sabatini, M.D., Ph.D.201610.150 Why?
Jeffrey Joseph Fredberg, Ph.D.201410.130 Why?
Edward Ralph Marcantonio, M.D.201410.120 Why?
Clifford B. Saper, M.D.,Ph.D.202420.120 Why?
Linus Tzu-Yen Tsai, M.D.,Ph.D.202420.120 Why?
Roberto De Luca, Ph.D.202420.120 Why?
Ryan Michael Grippo, Ph.D.202420.120 Why?
Oren Amsalem, Ph.D.202420.120 Why?
Seth Leo Alper, M.D., Ph.D.202420.110 Why?
William Cameron Aird, M.D.201210.110 Why?
Ionita Ghiran, M.D.201110.100 Why?
Vasileios Kyttaris, M.D.201110.100 Why?
Alexander Richard Carbo, M.D.200810.080 Why?
Patricia H. Folcarelli, Ph.D.200810.080 Why?
Anjala Vaishampayan Tess, M.D.200810.080 Why?
Joseph Vincent Bonventre, M.D., Ph.D.200810.080 Why?
Michael J.G. Somers, M.D.199730.080 Why?
Stephen D Zucker, M.D.199630.070 Why?
Aria F. Olumi, M.D.202410.060 Why?
Subbarao Venkata Yalla, M.B.,B.S.199320.060 Why?
Jason Aaron Freed, M.D.202110.050 Why?
Ken Arai, Ph.D.202110.050 Why?
Alexander Rotenberg, M.D., Ph.D.202110.050 Why?
Eng H. Lo, Ph.D.202110.050 Why?
Daniel Geoffrey Tenen, M.D.202110.050 Why?
Mahmoud Bassal, Ph.D.202110.050 Why?
Robert Stephen Brown, M.D.202010.050 Why?
Ali Poyan Mehr, M.D.202010.050 Why?
Kenneth J. Mukamal, M.D.202010.050 Why?
Aarti Asnani, M.D.202010.050 Why?
Sarah Knapp, M.D.202010.050 Why?
Alexander Morales, M.D.202010.050 Why?
David Henry Vandorpe, Ph.D.202010.050 Why?
William Brian Gormley, M.D.201710.040 Why?
Jane Ann Driver, M.D.201710.040 Why?
Rebekah Christina Mannix, M.D.201710.040 Why?
Steven Horng, M.D.201710.040 Why?
Richard Everard Wolfe, M.D.201710.040 Why?
Larry Nathanson, M.D.201710.040 Why?
Carrie D. Tibbles, M.D.201710.040 Why?
David Te-Wei Chiu, M.D.201710.040 Why?
Gerald William Smetana, M.D.201610.040 Why?
Ankit Bharat Patel, M.D.,Ph.D.201610.040 Why?
Lewis Arnold Lipsitz, M.D.201410.030 Why?
Daniele Djenaba Olveczky, M.D.201410.030 Why?
Roger B. Davis, Sc.D.201410.030 Why?
George C. Tsokos, M.D.201110.020 Why?
Wolfram Goessling, M.D., Ph.D.199410.010 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.