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Melissa C. Bartick

Concepts (146)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
Breast Feeding40202413579.710 Why?
Sudden Infant Death920222913.580 Why?
Infant Care620231802.470 Why?
Bottle Feeding22024671.350 Why?
Asphyxia22019601.270 Why?
Infant Mortality620227521.240 Why?
Health Promotion10202422041.180 Why?
Health Care Costs9201732551.170 Why?
Skin Care42020571.170 Why?
Mothers7202421811.140 Why?
Lactation520233951.130 Why?
Hospitals, Maternity42017331.080 Why?
Beds42024480.880 Why?
Maternal Welfare220131110.850 Why?
Infant232024359410.710 Why?
Infant, Newborn212024261090.650 Why?
Emergencies1202412170.600 Why?
Infant Formula420161930.600 Why?
Sleep7202447340.540 Why?
Public Policy120205600.510 Why?
Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice3202139590.450 Why?
Infectious Disease Transmission, Vertical1202113490.450 Why?
Culture120176220.450 Why?
Language1202115250.390 Why?
Posture120149540.360 Why?
Night Care12010280.350 Why?
Pregnancy Outcome1202129010.350 Why?
Practice Guidelines as Topic3202474600.330 Why?
Pregnancy Complications, Infectious1202121230.320 Why?
Self Administration120103900.320 Why?
Tobacco Smoke Pollution120148100.310 Why?
Feeding Behavior1202131830.310 Why?
Evidence-Based Medicine3201036940.310 Why?
Health Status Disparities2201618190.290 Why?
Multi-Institutional Systems12006430.280 Why?
United States182024722370.270 Why?
Female3320243902400.270 Why?
Humans4820247592550.260 Why?
Medication Systems, Hospital120061540.260 Why?
Pediatrics2201135850.250 Why?
Diffusion of Innovation120107300.250 Why?
Pregnancy92024296580.250 Why?
Parents2202135460.250 Why?
Internet1201730730.250 Why?
Hospitals1201939300.250 Why?
Maternal Health Services120104550.250 Why?
Patient Care120106240.230 Why?
Cooperative Behavior1201015010.220 Why?
Sleep Deprivation120108400.210 Why?
Parental Leave12024910.210 Why?
Costs and Cost Analysis3201316760.200 Why?
Hypnotics and Sedatives1201011770.200 Why?
Salaries and Fringe Benefits120242560.200 Why?
Smoking2201890660.190 Why?
Clinical Protocols3202314380.190 Why?
Pacifiers22014120.190 Why?
Medication Errors120067810.180 Why?
Tennessee120191190.170 Why?
Patient Education as Topic4201123090.170 Why?
Osteomyelitis120234070.160 Why?
Maternal-Child Health Centers12018420.160 Why?
Touch120213120.160 Why?
Disaster Planning120245600.150 Why?
Infant Nutritional Physiological Phenomena120213510.150 Why?
Quality of Health Care2201043590.150 Why?
Employment1202411110.140 Why?
Massachusetts4201987880.140 Why?
Survival Rate32019128000.140 Why?
Infant, Premature2202420870.130 Why?
Infant, Extremely Low Birth Weight12016820.130 Why?
Hospitalization32023107340.130 Why?
Internationality1202110050.120 Why?
Monte Carlo Method2201712520.120 Why?
Bedding and Linens12014410.120 Why?
Supine Position120142050.110 Why?
Social Justice120184760.110 Why?
Cost-Benefit Analysis3201155000.110 Why?
Prone Position120141960.110 Why?
Risk Factors52021741670.100 Why?
Child, Preschool42024419350.100 Why?
Enterocolitis, Necrotizing120163280.100 Why?
Maternal Behavior120143060.100 Why?
Societies, Medical2202138900.100 Why?
Child52024796230.090 Why?
Health Status2201640790.090 Why?
Confidence Intervals1201629320.090 Why?
Perinatal Care120132400.090 Why?
Puerto Rico120113730.090 Why?
Socioeconomic Factors2201677900.090 Why?
Infant, Premature, Diseases120167080.090 Why?
Evidence-Based Practice120144930.090 Why?
Length of Stay1202364520.080 Why?
Mexico120117550.080 Why?
Preventive Medicine120102500.080 Why?
Lighting120102110.080 Why?
Guidelines as Topic1201413950.070 Why?
Noise120102780.070 Why?
Reference Books, Medical12007210.070 Why?
Drug Information Services12007510.070 Why?
Multivariate Analysis12021121520.070 Why?
Infant, Very Low Birth Weight120104050.070 Why?
Postnatal Care120092600.070 Why?
Health Personnel1202133090.070 Why?
Male1020243587190.070 Why?
Young Adult42023584830.070 Why?
Communication1202138460.070 Why?
Peer Group120116700.070 Why?
Adult720242193900.070 Why?
Social Support2202021410.070 Why?
Physicians1202445860.070 Why?
Logistic Models12021133090.070 Why?
Child Health Services120116440.070 Why?
Organizational Case Studies120063010.060 Why?
Milk, Human220234840.060 Why?
Infant, Low Birth Weight120108530.060 Why?
Body Weight1201646080.060 Why?
Adolescent42023875600.060 Why?
Overweight1201624200.060 Why?
Monitoring, Physiologic1201117830.060 Why?
Cohort Studies22016412470.060 Why?
Data Collection1201333170.060 Why?
Cost of Illness1201319360.060 Why?
Cross-Sectional Studies32023258600.060 Why?
Organizational Policy120064290.060 Why?
Software1201744210.050 Why?
Health Services Research1201018090.050 Why?
Case-Control Studies12019219880.050 Why?
Retrospective Studies22021801210.050 Why?
Pandemics1202186090.050 Why?
Incidence12018213360.040 Why?
Academies and Institutes120213190.040 Why?
Follow-Up Studies22016392160.040 Why?
Odds Ratio1201097110.040 Why?
Decision Making1201139200.040 Why?
Middle Aged420242196530.040 Why?
Aged320161686170.030 Why?
Oregon120161480.030 Why?
Risk Assessment12016240490.030 Why?
Policy120185110.030 Why?
Time Factors22016401090.030 Why?
Acute Disease1202372620.030 Why?
Models, Economic120167170.020 Why?
Databases, Factual1200780000.020 Why?
Treatment Outcome12016648790.020 Why?
Obesity12011128960.020 Why?
Postpartum Period1200611670.010 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.