Harvard Catalyst Profiles

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George L. Mutter, M.D.

Co-Authors (57)

Co-Authors are people in Profiles who have published together.
Co-Authors are listed by decreasing relevence which is based on the number of co-publications and the years which they were written.
Name Most Recent
Number of
Co-Author Score Why?
Christopher Paul Crum, M.D.2019221.360 Why?
David James Jr. Papke, M.D., Ph.D., Ph.D.202020.940 Why?
Carlos Eduardo Parra-Herran, M.D.202430.910 Why?
Marisa Rose Nucci, M.D.2024120.760 Why?
William Clay Faquin, M.D., Ph.D.200050.630 Why?
Immaculata De Vivo, Ph.D.202450.620 Why?
Jonathan Lewis Hecht, M.D., Ph.D.201930.580 Why?
Donna S. Neuberg, D.Sc.201450.410 Why?
Utkan Demirci, Ph.D.201620.260 Why?
Bradley J. Quade, M.D., Ph.D.202380.260 Why?
David Stanley Milstone, M.D.,Ph.D.202220.250 Why?
Mark Donald Hornstein, M.D.200330.220 Why?
Stephanie Siegmund, M.D.,Ph.D.202210.200 Why?
Zak Kohane, M.D.,Ph.D.202010.190 Why?
Kun-Hsing Yu, M.D., Ph.D.202010.190 Why?
Svitlana Tyekucheva, Ph.D.202010.180 Why?
Michelle S. Hirsch, M.D., Ph.D.201940.170 Why?
Michael George Muto, M.D.201930.140 Why?
Jonathan A. Fletcher, M.D.199510.130 Why?
Edmund Saulius Cibas, M.D.201410.130 Why?
Cynthia Casson Morton, Ph.D.200430.120 Why?
Kathryn Penney, Sc.D.202420.120 Why?
Natasha Johnson (she/her), M.D.201110.100 Why?
Kaitlyn A Webster, Ph.D.201010.090 Why?
Ursula Anne Matulonis, M.D.202020.090 Why?
Ross Stuart Berkowitz, M.D.201930.080 Why?
Bernard Alfred Rosner, Ph.D.201820.070 Why?
David L Kolin, M.D., Ph.D.202410.060 Why?
Aaron Kyle Styer, M.D.200310.060 Why?
Li-Li Hsiao, M.D., Ph.D.200110.050 Why?
Elena Hesina Yanushpolsky, M.D.200110.050 Why?
Colleen Marie Feltmate, M.D.201910.040 Why?
Elizabeth Harmon Stover, M.D., Ph.D.201910.040 Why?
Panagiotis Konstantinopoulos, M.D., Ph.D.201910.040 Why?
Neil Stuart Horowitz, M.D.201910.040 Why?
Esther Oliva, M.D.201910.040 Why?
Ron Kikinis, M.D.201810.040 Why?
Long Phi Le, M.D., Ph.D.201810.040 Why?
Giles W.L. Boland, M.D.201810.040 Why?
Anthony John Iafrate, M.D.,Ph.D.201810.040 Why?
David N. Louis, M.D.201810.040 Why?
Katherine Patricia Andriole, Ph.D.201810.040 Why?
Keith Jay Dreyer, D.O., Ph.D.201810.040 Why?
Veronica Elizabeth Klepeis, M.D., Ph.D.201810.040 Why?
Andrey Fedorov, Ph.D.201810.040 Why?
David C. Page, M.D.199710.040 Why?
Antonio Rafael Perez-Atayde, M.D.199610.040 Why?
Jason L. Hornick, M.D.,Ph.D.201410.030 Why?
Stuart Holland Orkin, M.D.199010.020 Why?
Paola S. Dal Cin, Ph.D.200410.020 Why?
Marcy Elizabeth MacDonald, Ph.D.200110.010 Why?
Edgar Louis Milford, Jr., M.D.200110.010 Why?
Matthew P. Frosch, M.D.,Ph.D.200110.010 Why?
Raphael Bueno, M.D.200110.010 Why?
Harry Peter Wolodymir Kozakewich, M.D.200110.010 Why?
Francis Daniels Moore, Jr., M.D.200010.010 Why?
Leonard Ira Zon, M.D.199010.010 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.