Harvard Catalyst Profiles

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Barry Charles Dorn, M.D.

Concepts (121)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
Truth Disclosure220104320.410 Why?
Negotiating320021480.370 Why?
Government Agencies320131600.370 Why?
Physician-Patient Relations4201032420.360 Why?
Disaster Planning320135570.300 Why?
Public Health Administration120072420.240 Why?
Hospital-Patient Relations12002170.210 Why?
Medical Errors1201012550.190 Why?
Practice Management12000370.180 Why?
Malpractice220025550.160 Why?
Hospital Administration120023540.160 Why?
Organizational Culture120025060.160 Why?
Program Evaluation1200724900.160 Why?
Patient Advocacy120003600.150 Why?
Independent Practice Associations11996210.140 Why?
Bombs12015730.120 Why?
Practice Management, Medical119961910.120 Why?
Physician's Role120019170.110 Why?
Leadership3201513710.110 Why?
Mass Casualty Incidents120151790.100 Why?
Terrorism120152110.100 Why?
Public Health Practice120142180.100 Why?
Civil Defense120131150.100 Why?
Earthquakes120141860.100 Why?
Blast Injuries120153220.100 Why?
Models, Organizational120135460.090 Why?
Communication2201538460.090 Why?
Trauma Centers120159330.080 Why?
Disasters120145170.080 Why?
United States82010721400.060 Why?
Cooperative Behavior2201315010.060 Why?
Guidelines as Topic1201013860.060 Why?
Delivery of Health Care1200153310.050 Why?
Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations12002920.050 Why?
Michigan120023410.050 Why?
Needlestick Injuries12000710.040 Why?
Clinical Medicine120001450.040 Why?
Job Satisfaction120015390.040 Why?
Safety Management120027600.030 Why?
Capitation Fee119961160.030 Why?
Managed Care Programs120019390.030 Why?
Explosions120151080.030 Why?
Qualitative Research2201529760.030 Why?
Organizations, Nonprofit120131040.030 Why?
Industry120133610.020 Why?
Decision Making2201339150.020 Why?
Reproducibility of Results12007200520.020 Why?
Humans1120157583810.020 Why?
Congresses as Topic120137990.020 Why?
China1201423370.020 Why?
Gastric Fistula11968730.020 Why?
Intestinal Fistula119681430.020 Why?
Emergencies1201312090.020 Why?
Attitude of Health Personnel1200138670.020 Why?
Quality of Health Care1200043170.020 Why?
Cost-Benefit Analysis1199654840.010 Why?
Professional Competence120064310.010 Why?
Boston1201593040.010 Why?
Bacteria1197221990.010 Why?
Bile219712970.010 Why?
Ventilation-Perfusion Ratio319731170.010 Why?
Child, Preschool12000420580.010 Why?
Haplorhini319735290.010 Why?
Female320073903160.010 Why?
Dogs4197338380.010 Why?
Aged220071682170.010 Why?
Common Bile Duct219711060.010 Why?
Lung Compliance219722010.010 Why?
Blood Gas Analysis219723770.010 Why?
Indocyanine Green219732360.010 Why?
Lung1197299850.010 Why?
Middle Aged220072195600.010 Why?
Pulmonary Circulation219737430.010 Why?
Adult220072199160.010 Why?
Bile Acids and Salts219713830.010 Why?
Metabolic Clearance Rate119723610.010 Why?
Pressure2197111550.010 Why?
Bacteriological Techniques119722790.010 Why?
Biliary Tract119711350.010 Why?
Male220073587420.010 Why?
Shock, Hemorrhagic119712230.010 Why?
Respiratory Function Tests1197316800.000 Why?
Duodenal Diseases11968990.000 Why?
Water-Electrolyte Balance119683250.000 Why?
Colonic Diseases119682000.000 Why?
Nutritional Physiological Phenomena119683620.000 Why?
Respiration1197316540.000 Why?
Phagocytosis1197215330.000 Why?
Ileum119685550.000 Why?
Postoperative Complications11968156380.000 Why?
Pulmonary Alveoli319736510.000 Why?
Iatrogenic Disease119685380.000 Why?
Intestinal Obstruction119684330.000 Why?
Indicator Dilution Techniques21973430.000 Why?
Drainage1196811610.000 Why?
Xenon219731120.000 Why?
Models, Biological3197394610.000 Why?
Infection Control119689820.000 Why?
Sepsis1197225870.000 Why?
Radioisotope Dilution Technique11973710.000 Why?
Iodine Isotopes11973860.000 Why?
Antipyrine11973400.000 Why?
Disease Models, Animal11972181250.000 Why?
Secretory Rate11971810.000 Why?
Pulmonary Atelectasis119721430.000 Why?
Animals619731677770.000 Why?
Liver Circulation119711590.000 Why?
Alkalosis, Respiratory11971200.000 Why?
Alkalosis11971540.000 Why?
Hyperventilation11971780.000 Why?
Intubation, Gastrointestinal119711660.000 Why?
Time Factors11972398730.000 Why?
Vascular Resistance119729300.000 Why?
Regional Blood Flow1197214860.000 Why?
Hydrogen-Ion Concentration1197224970.000 Why?
Phospholipids119717840.000 Why?
Muscle, Smooth119719240.000 Why?
Body Weight1197346030.000 Why?
Cholesterol1197129010.000 Why?
Oxygen1197241920.000 Why?
Liver1197175020.000 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.