Harvard Catalyst Profiles

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Suzanne Ayscough Bird, M.D.

Concepts (67)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
Restraint, Physical220201861.280 Why?
Suicidal Ideation5202414300.530 Why?
Emergency Service, Hospital5202178100.470 Why?
Emergency Services, Psychiatric22007670.340 Why?
Suicide4202415980.250 Why?
Healthcare Disparities1202033620.240 Why?
Health Facility Environment12019320.170 Why?
Suicide, Attempted2202213830.140 Why?
Patient Discharge2200734330.120 Why?
Medical Staff, Hospital120186000.120 Why?
Safety Management120197600.110 Why?
Massachusetts3202088230.110 Why?
Checklist120198270.100 Why?
Self Report1202237120.090 Why?
Academic Medical Centers1202027510.090 Why?
Leadership1201813710.080 Why?
Mental Disorders3202168030.080 Why?
Physician-Patient Relations1202232420.080 Why?
Odds Ratio1202096500.080 Why?
Psychiatry2201816900.070 Why?
Hospitalization12007106530.070 Why?
Mass Screening1202254250.060 Why?
Attitude of Health Personnel1201838670.060 Why?
Hospitals, Community120073670.060 Why?
Electronic Health Records1202247610.060 Why?
Psychological Theory120241750.050 Why?
Adult920242199160.050 Why?
Risk Assessment22022238830.050 Why?
Hospitals, Teaching1200711590.050 Why?
Retrospective Studies42024801700.050 Why?
Statistics as Topic1200723590.040 Why?
Psychotropic Drugs120068830.040 Why?
Aftercare120069100.040 Why?
Models, Psychological120248300.040 Why?
Ambulatory Care2200727680.040 Why?
Internship and Residency1201858650.040 Why?
Humans1220247583810.040 Why?
Nurse's Role120191880.040 Why?
After-Hours Care120181020.040 Why?
Young Adult22024588080.040 Why?
Male820243587420.040 Why?
Referral and Consultation2200735860.040 Why?
Female820243903160.030 Why?
Drug Prescriptions1200616680.030 Why?
Risk Management120195570.030 Why?
Middle Aged420242195600.030 Why?
ROC Curve1202235630.030 Why?
Self-Injurious Behavior120195560.030 Why?
Comorbidity12007104950.030 Why?
Psychotic Disorders1200731970.020 Why?
Adolescent32024878880.020 Why?
Data Collection1201933220.020 Why?
Models, Statistical1202450700.020 Why?
Patient Care Team1201925040.020 Why?
Clinical Competence1201847750.010 Why?
Community Mental Health Services120063920.010 Why?
Appointments and Schedules120064410.010 Why?
Pandemics1202186110.010 Why?
Drug Utilization1200611870.010 Why?
Cohort Studies12021412520.010 Why?
Risk Factors12022738060.010 Why?
Aged120071682170.010 Why?
United States12021721400.010 Why?
Substance-Related Disorders1200644020.010 Why?
Bipolar Disorder1200650830.000 Why?
Depressive Disorder, Major1200647450.000 Why?
Follow-Up Studies12006390600.000 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.