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Andrew Christopher Diener, Ph.D.

Concepts (79)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
Fusarium82020512.690 Why?
Plant Diseases720201542.330 Why?
Arabidopsis820234641.860 Why?
Plant Roots520231141.110 Why?
Arabidopsis Proteins620232631.090 Why?
Genes, Plant320141280.790 Why?
Oxylipins12014520.450 Why?
Cyclopentanes12014860.450 Why?
Arabinose12012300.430 Why?
Crosses, Genetic120137510.410 Why?
Quantitative Trait Loci3201321000.370 Why?
Protein Kinases4201316100.350 Why?
Tyrosine1201314320.320 Why?
Staining and Labeling1201210830.310 Why?
Chromosome Mapping2201346240.280 Why?
Moths12005810.250 Why?
Genome, Fungal220202030.240 Why?
Cryptococcus neoformans120051210.240 Why?
Genes, Dominant120058620.200 Why?
Species Specificity3201324170.200 Why?
Peptides1201343410.190 Why?
Brassicaceae12020100.180 Why?
Gene Expression Regulation, Plant220132110.160 Why?
Nitrates120202630.160 Why?
Genetic Linkage2201323810.120 Why?
Isoleucine120141100.110 Why?
Plant Growth Regulators12014500.110 Why?
Plant Vascular Bundle1201320.110 Why?
Crossing Over, Genetic12013950.110 Why?
Genome, Plant12013820.110 Why?
Gossypium12012360.110 Why?
Plant Shoots12012280.110 Why?
GTP-Binding Protein beta Subunits12012330.110 Why?
Indoleacetic Acids12012440.110 Why?
Spores, Fungal12012900.100 Why?
Glycoside Hydrolases120121320.100 Why?
Protein Sorting Signals120132790.100 Why?
Leucine120145470.100 Why?
Receptors, Pattern Recognition12013830.100 Why?
Chromosomes, Fungal120101110.090 Why?
Fungal Proteins120129110.080 Why?
Genetic Markers1201326080.070 Why?
Calcium1202057210.070 Why?
Membrane Transport Proteins1201210340.070 Why?
Chromosomes, Plant12005210.060 Why?
Virulence2201012980.060 Why?
Inbreeding12005480.060 Why?
Hemocytes12005440.060 Why?
Hybridization, Genetic120051030.060 Why?
Plants, Genetically Modified120051150.060 Why?
Salicylic Acid12005620.060 Why?
Host-Pathogen Interactions1201414440.060 Why?
Rhizosphere1202370.060 Why?
Pseudomonas120231230.050 Why?
Mutagenesis, Insertional120056520.050 Why?
Alleles1201368950.050 Why?
DNA, Bacterial1200514560.040 Why?
Antifungal Agents120057490.040 Why?
Nitrogen120203500.040 Why?
Mutation22014299150.040 Why?
Growth Disorders120236530.040 Why?
Plant Proteins120203690.040 Why?
Reproducibility of Results12013200520.030 Why?
Receptors, Cell Surface1202328250.030 Why?
Genomics1201057890.030 Why?
Immunity, Innate1200530460.030 Why?
Phenotype22010165340.020 Why?
Genotype12005129450.020 Why?
Synteny12010770.020 Why?
Signal Transduction12013233410.020 Why?
Phosphorylation1202082970.020 Why?
Host-Parasite Interactions120103010.020 Why?
Multigene Family1201010760.020 Why?
Genetic Predisposition to Disease12005177680.010 Why?
Phylogeny1201027740.010 Why?
Evolution, Molecular1201018850.010 Why?
Proteome1201018550.010 Why?
Sequence Analysis, DNA1201047110.010 Why?
Animals120051677770.010 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.