Harvard Catalyst Profiles

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Barbara J. McNeil, M.D., Ph.D.

Co-Authors (60)

Co-Authors are people in Profiles who have published together.
Co-Authors are listed by decreasing relevence which is based on the number of co-publications and the years which they were written.
Name Most Recent
Number of
Co-Author Score Why?
Nancy Lynn Keating, M.D.2018152.840 Why?
Sharon-Lise Teresa Normand, Ph.D.2010272.440 Why?
Mary Elizabeth Landrum, Ph.D.2014232.180 Why?
Edward Guadagnoli, Ph.D.2010191.530 Why?
Bruce Evan Landon, M.D.2018111.320 Why?
Arnold M. Epstein, M.D.2007200.930 Why?
Clare Mary Tempany-Afdhal, M.B.200190.690 Why?
James Adelstein, M.D., Ph.D.1981120.410 Why?
Lawrence Nathan Shulman, M.D.201230.320 Why?
Peter Michael Doubilet, M.D., Ph.D.198670.300 Why?
Richard Gabriel Frank, Ph.D.200740.300 Why?
Joseph Paul Newhouse, Ph.D.200880.290 Why?
Alyna Chien, M.D.201520.260 Why?
Jennifer Ruth Brown, M.D., Ph.D.201220.210 Why?
Steven Erwin Seltzer, M.D.199770.190 Why?
Ralph Weissleder, M.D., Ph.D.202010.190 Why?
Chester William Douglass, D.D.S., Ph.D.199050.180 Why?
Sarah Cuddy, M.B.,B.Ch.201810.170 Why?
Hugh D. Curtin, M.D.199810.160 Why?
Herbert Yehude Kressel, M.D.201710.150 Why?
Ellen Rose Meara, Ph.D.200720.140 Why?
Kenneth L Kehl, M.D.201510.130 Why?
Stuart Jay Schnitt, M.D.200430.130 Why?
Lucian L. Leape, M.D.200320.110 Why?
Vinod Easwaran Nambudiri, M.D.201210.110 Why?
Michael Esman Chernew, Ph.D.201830.110 Why?
Stuart George Silverman, M.D.200130.100 Why?
Anthony L. Komaroff, M.D.198720.090 Why?
Thomas Henry Lee, Jr., M.D.198810.080 Why?
James Leo Connolly, M.D.200430.080 Why?
Barbara N. Weissman, M.D.198940.080 Why?
Matthew Murray Hutter, M.D.200810.080 Why?
Katherine Swartz, Ph.D.200710.080 Why?
Ateev Mehrotra, M.D.200710.080 Why?
David Blumenthal, M.D.200720.080 Why?
Milton Charles Weinstein, Ph.D.199850.070 Why?
Laura Christine Collins, M.D.200410.060 Why?
Rushika Jerome Fernandopulle, M.D.200310.060 Why?
Susan P. Pauker, M.D.198110.050 Why?
Ayaz Aghayev, M.D.201810.040 Why?
Michael McWilliams, Jr., M.D., Ph.D.201810.040 Why?
Haiden Huskamp, Ph.D.201810.040 Why?
James Hunter Thrall, M.D.201710.040 Why?
William Ewing Palmer, M.D.199710.040 Why?
Douglass Franklin Adams, M.D.198350.040 Why?
Katherine Helen Schiavoni, M.D.201510.030 Why?
Eli Sprecher, M.D.201510.030 Why?
Frank W. Logerfo, M.D.199510.030 Why?
Elliott Marshall Antman, M.D.199410.030 Why?
Lee H. Schwamm, M.D.200420.030 Why?
Elizabeth Ann Mort, M.D.199410.030 Why?
Zirui Song, M.D., Ph.D.201310.030 Why?
Michael T. Jaklitsch, M.D.201110.030 Why?
Sebastian Schneeweiss, M.D., Sc.D.201010.020 Why?
Stephen Bertram Soumerai, Sc.D.200710.020 Why?
Samuel Zachary Goldhaber, M.D.198210.010 Why?
Peter Henry Schur, M.D.198210.010 Why?
Mary Catherine Frates, M.D.200110.010 Why?
Lewis Richard Sudarsky197810.010 Why?
Philip Reed Larsen, M.D.198110.000 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.