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Ahmet Ozlem Keles, D.D.S., D.M.Sc.

Concepts (95)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
Orthodontic Appliance Design102008531.380 Why?
Molar720071561.070 Why?
Palatal Expansion Technique42018260.990 Why?
Malocclusion120181310.600 Why?
Maxilla1020184940.580 Why?
Malocclusion, Angle Class II62006340.550 Why?
Orthodontic Appliances52004400.540 Why?
Malocclusion, Angle Class III42002380.500 Why?
Open Bite42004170.370 Why?
Osteoprotegerin120071760.270 Why?
Extraoral Traction Appliances2200290.260 Why?
Amelogenesis Imperfecta2200340.240 Why?
Bone Resorption120077230.210 Why?
Palate220181240.210 Why?
Incisor520061740.200 Why?
Diphosphonates120076350.200 Why?
Cephalometry620043820.190 Why?
Cuspid32006550.170 Why?
Bone Density Conservation Agents120077950.170 Why?
Dentition, Mixed12018100.160 Why?
Bicuspid32006690.160 Why?
Orthodontic Wires32002210.150 Why?
Stress, Mechanical5200216740.140 Why?
Titanium320034850.120 Why?
Imaging, Three-Dimensional1200640630.100 Why?
Dental Alloys22002290.100 Why?
Transurethral Resection of Prostate12012790.100 Why?
Esthetics, Dental320032680.100 Why?
Bone Screws320045320.090 Why?
Nickel220021280.090 Why?
Ceramics220031130.090 Why?
Crowns220031550.090 Why?
Bone Plates220044660.090 Why?
Patient Care Team1200125210.080 Why?
Prostatic Hyperplasia120125210.080 Why?
Orthodontic Anchorage Procedures12006200.070 Why?
Statistics, Nonparametric2200228500.070 Why?
Dental Veneers22003120.060 Why?
Adolescent112008883240.060 Why?
Patient Compliance2200826900.060 Why?
Orthodontics, Corrective22001770.060 Why?
Rotation220025170.050 Why?
Vertical Dimension12003330.050 Why?
Child62018801560.050 Why?
Osteoclasts120077110.050 Why?
Dental Arch12002430.050 Why?
Dental Occlusion12002540.050 Why?
Smiling12003720.050 Why?
Dental Bonding12003360.050 Why?
Tooth Eruption, Ectopic1200260.050 Why?
Tooth Migration12002110.050 Why?
Dental Prosthesis Design220032640.050 Why?
Tooth Eruption12002290.050 Why?
Tooth, Impacted12002430.050 Why?
Osseointegration120032740.050 Why?
Orthodontic Retainers12001190.050 Why?
Palate, Hard12002580.050 Why?
Lasers120069520.050 Why?
Orthodontic Brackets12001280.050 Why?
Inlays1200180.050 Why?
Chin12001380.050 Why?
Models, Animal1200721120.040 Why?
Alveoloplasty12000220.040 Why?
Tooth Crown12000610.040 Why?
Facial Asymmetry120011720.040 Why?
Maxillofacial Development12000870.040 Why?
Tooth Root120001620.040 Why?
Quality of Life12001133670.040 Why?
Mandible220017530.040 Why?
Alveolar Process120002940.040 Why?
Models, Anatomic120026830.040 Why?
Dental Implantation, Endosseous120025310.040 Why?
Humans1620187615720.030 Why?
Cleft Lip120005060.030 Why?
Female1120083926860.030 Why?
Cleft Palate120005890.030 Why?
Dental Implants120027950.030 Why?
Time Factors22007399700.020 Why?
Apoptosis1200794890.020 Why?
Male920123608420.020 Why?
Image Processing, Computer-Assisted1200690020.020 Why?
Follow-Up Studies32003391070.020 Why?
Patient Care Planning220029090.020 Why?
Dental Stress Analysis12004640.010 Why?
Tooth Preparation1200330.010 Why?
Prospective Studies12006544260.010 Why?
Mice12007815330.010 Why?
Animals120071684670.010 Why?
Bone Transplantation120009290.010 Why?
Combined Modality Therapy1200085280.000 Why?
Treatment Outcome12012646840.000 Why?
Retrospective Studies12012806460.000 Why?
Aged120121693100.000 Why?
Adult220042212030.000 Why?
Middle Aged120122209200.000 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.