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Richard Daniel Goldstein, M.D.

Concepts (134)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
Sudden Infant Death1920242916.530 Why?
Death, Sudden720243023.970 Why?
Grief420212481.290 Why?
Bereavement320212781.160 Why?
Accidents220231641.030 Why?
Seizures, Febrile120241110.860 Why?
Infant Mortality220167540.770 Why?
Forensic Medicine22019640.760 Why?
Infant232024351340.660 Why?
Language Development Disorders120201960.650 Why?
Frameshift Mutation120203990.640 Why?
Pediatrics4202234750.620 Why?
Mothers2201821650.610 Why?
Palliative Care4202134930.570 Why?
Autopsy5202310200.550 Why?
Parents4202134050.510 Why?
Transportation of Patients120151850.470 Why?
Adaptor Proteins, Signal Transducing2202229170.450 Why?
Sleep2202246220.440 Why?
Terminology as Topic1201915470.410 Why?
Cause of Death5202335820.360 Why?
Anesthesia, Conduction120132380.360 Why?
Attitude to Death120123820.350 Why?
Asphyxia22019570.320 Why?
Epilepsy1202433100.310 Why?
Parent-Child Relations120127470.310 Why?
Role220181750.310 Why?
Down Syndrome120158800.300 Why?
Nerve Block120136440.280 Why?
DNA-Binding Proteins2202296470.280 Why?
Confusion220182750.280 Why?
Terminal Care2202116940.270 Why?
Anesthetics, Local120139850.270 Why?
Infant, Newborn92022256280.270 Why?
Family1201531470.250 Why?
Child122024777090.240 Why?
Patient Care Team1201425310.220 Why?
Child, Preschool72022410050.210 Why?
Consumer Organizations12021100.210 Why?
Seizures1201328590.190 Why?
Encephalitis120244250.180 Why?
Humans3120247443660.180 Why?
Facies120201970.180 Why?
Bedding and Linens12019410.170 Why?
Patient Advocacy120213530.170 Why?
Neural Cell Adhesion Molecules120191260.160 Why?
Sodium Channels120203490.160 Why?
Coroners and Medical Examiners12017100.160 Why?
Temporal Lobe2202416700.150 Why?
Pain1201349880.150 Why?
Professional-Family Relations220214820.150 Why?
Interviews as Topic2201525390.140 Why?
Primary Health Care1201245570.140 Why?
Delivery of Health Care1201453210.140 Why?
Anger120184020.130 Why?
Hospitals, Pediatric2201517750.130 Why?
Death Certificates120161690.130 Why?
Spasms, Infantile120193050.130 Why?
Fetal Death120164480.120 Why?
International Classification of Diseases120198670.120 Why?
Calcium-Binding Proteins1201910810.120 Why?
Longitudinal Studies22021139910.120 Why?
Dentate Gyrus120141600.120 Why?
Fatal Outcome2201918510.110 Why?
South Africa1201817310.110 Why?
Serotonin1201710170.110 Why?
Prone Position120131940.110 Why?
Brain Stem320248460.110 Why?
Massachusetts2201786620.100 Why?
Death, Sudden, Cardiac1202015410.100 Why?
Genetic Testing2202034440.090 Why?
Death120156780.090 Why?
Respiratory Insufficiency1201911990.090 Why?
Respiration Disorders120133710.090 Why?
Decision Making2201538880.090 Why?
Case-Control Studies32024217480.090 Why?
Risk Factors42022722960.080 Why?
Pregnancy Outcome1201927950.080 Why?
Adolescent42018857790.080 Why?
Anxiety2202142930.080 Why?
Odds Ratio2201998490.070 Why?
Smoking Cessation1201920710.070 Why?
Risk1201896880.070 Why?
Nerve Tissue Proteins1201944630.070 Why?
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation120139800.060 Why?
Memory1201521740.060 Why?
Mutation22020297860.060 Why?
Neopterin12024560.060 Why?
Female1020193801930.060 Why?
Phenotype12022163670.060 Why?
Emotions1201526590.060 Why?
Male820243501150.060 Why?
Anticonvulsants1201319160.060 Why?
Genetic Variation1201865420.050 Why?
Smoking1201989870.050 Why?
Young Adult22018564290.050 Why?
Medulla Oblongata120232430.050 Why?
Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice1201539220.050 Why?
Adult420182140520.040 Why?
Depression1201877590.040 Why?
Social Isolation120213650.040 Why?
Hydroxyindoleacetic Acid12017900.040 Why?
Arousal1202311640.040 Why?
Maternal Behavior120193110.040 Why?
Serotonin Plasma Membrane Transport Proteins120173220.030 Why?
Quality of Life12015128020.030 Why?
United States22019698720.030 Why?
Chromatography, High Pressure Liquid1201715720.030 Why?
Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein120145290.030 Why?
Antigens, Differentiation, Myelomonocytic120142940.030 Why?
Confidence Intervals1201929710.030 Why?
Needs Assessment1201911470.030 Why?
Syndrome1201932520.030 Why?
Tubulin120146950.020 Why?
Pedigree1201946420.020 Why?
Societies, Medical1202137430.020 Why?
Cytokines1202473230.020 Why?
Self Report1201935530.020 Why?
Hippocampus1202036750.020 Why?
Polymorphism, Genetic1201743280.020 Why?
Treatment Outcome12013631070.020 Why?
Antigens, CD1201440260.010 Why?
Databases, Factual1201977300.010 Why?
Genotype12017129520.010 Why?
Immunohistochemistry12014113660.010 Why?
Incidence12019209520.010 Why?
Retrospective Studies22019774600.010 Why?
Risk Assessment12019233360.010 Why?
Pregnancy12019291440.010 Why?
Brain12023263880.010 Why?
Neurons1201493400.010 Why?
Cohort Studies12017405590.010 Why?
Middle Aged120242133900.010 Why?
Animals120191687680.000 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.