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Karen Margaret Davidson, M.D.

Concepts (40)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
Labor Presentation22011550.160 Why?
Cholestasis, Intrahepatic11998750.150 Why?
Pregnancy, Multiple119982150.140 Why?
Pregnancy Complications3200229420.130 Why?
Analgesia, Epidural220113300.120 Why?
Natural Childbirth22011150.110 Why?
Fatty Liver119987780.100 Why?
Body Temperature120117770.080 Why?
Labor, Obstetric220113210.070 Why?
Ultrasonography, Prenatal2200517450.060 Why?
Cesarean Section2201113850.060 Why?
Placenta Diseases120021960.040 Why?
Pregnancy Outcome4201129070.040 Why?
Triplets11998430.040 Why?
Cysts120026830.030 Why?
Fetal Death119984340.030 Why?
Pregnancy Trimester, Third119985820.030 Why?
Pregnancy52011297490.030 Why?
Fetal Diseases119989110.030 Why?
Parturition120114460.020 Why?
Acute Disease1199872690.020 Why?
Fetal Monitoring12005690.020 Why?
Labor Stage, Second12005370.020 Why?
Maternal Age120058070.010 Why?
Parity120059250.010 Why?
Prevalence11998156870.010 Why?
Probability1200524750.010 Why?
Confidence Intervals1200529320.010 Why?
Fetal Growth Retardation120025790.010 Why?
Infant, Newborn11998261810.010 Why?
Female520113912700.010 Why?
Pain1201150660.010 Why?
Adult320112199940.010 Why?
Odds Ratio1200597160.010 Why?
Humans520117606210.010 Why?
Logistic Models12005133140.010 Why?
Risk Factors12011743590.000 Why?
Cohort Studies12005413350.000 Why?
Prospective Studies12005543030.000 Why?
Male119983597440.000 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.