Harvard Catalyst Profiles

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Beverly Woo, M.D.

Concepts (76)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
Career Choice120067560.170 Why?
Physician-Patient Relations3200632490.160 Why?
Students, Dental120211730.160 Why?
Education, Medical, Undergraduate3202110700.140 Why?
Race Relations11995370.120 Why?
Primary Health Care2200646860.090 Why?
Economics, Medical120061120.070 Why?
Diagnosis119851570.060 Why?
Physicians, Family120063500.060 Why?
Clinical Medicine120051450.060 Why?
Salaries and Fringe Benefits120062570.060 Why?
Family Practice120065120.060 Why?
Physical Examination2200512550.050 Why?
Job Satisfaction120065440.050 Why?
Specialization220067780.050 Why?
Attitude of Health Personnel2199538890.050 Why?
Internal Medicine2200610510.050 Why?
Medical Audit119814530.040 Why?
Teaching2200511700.040 Why?
Medicine220069420.040 Why?
Carbon Monoxide120015470.040 Why?
Medical Staff, Hospital119816010.040 Why?
Infant, Low Birth Weight120018700.030 Why?
Anemia2198315090.030 Why?
Schools, Medical120218790.030 Why?
Maternal Exposure1200110670.030 Why?
Pediatrics1200635890.020 Why?
Humanism11991860.020 Why?
Empathy119954730.020 Why?
Faculty, Medical2199112030.020 Why?
Clinical Laboratory Techniques219857460.020 Why?
Internship and Residency3198558800.020 Why?
Communication1202138730.020 Why?
Clinical Competence1202147920.020 Why?
United States22006723340.010 Why?
Education, Medical1199517250.010 Why?
Evaluation Studies as Topic2198316240.010 Why?
Hematologic Tests119832390.010 Why?
Korea12001980.010 Why?
Sulfur Dioxide120011780.010 Why?
Employee Performance Appraisal11981860.010 Why?
Medical Records1198514080.010 Why?
Patients119859070.010 Why?
Nitrogen Dioxide120015220.010 Why?
Humans920217615040.010 Why?
Infant Mortality120017590.010 Why?
Emergency Medicine1200511980.010 Why?
Massachusetts1200588300.010 Why?
Adolescent21995883190.010 Why?
Social Values119912250.010 Why?
Adult320012211770.010 Why?
Risk1200196100.010 Why?
Male520013608040.010 Why?
Female520013926440.000 Why?
Air Pollution1200123590.000 Why?
Logistic Models12001132550.000 Why?
Child11995801530.000 Why?
Interdisciplinary Communication119919310.000 Why?
Time Factors11985399670.000 Why?
Anemia, Hypochromic11983630.000 Why?
Erythrocytes, Abnormal119831210.000 Why?
Erythrocyte Indices119831440.000 Why?
Blood Cell Count119833970.000 Why?
Boston2199193260.000 Why?
Attitude to Health1199120250.000 Why?
Hematocrit119836230.000 Why?
Infant, Newborn12001261980.000 Why?
Vitamin B 12119835240.000 Why?
Pregnancy12001298740.000 Why?
Middle Aged219852208950.000 Why?
Probability1198324770.000 Why?
Pilot Projects1199186310.000 Why?
Curriculum1199137430.000 Why?
Folic Acid1198313230.000 Why?
Erythrocytes1198324130.000 Why?
Aged119851692890.000 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.