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Vilma E. Ortiz, M.D.

Concepts (89)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
Intraoperative Complications2201611800.490 Why?
Laparoscopy2201621340.440 Why?
Heart Arrest2202014800.430 Why?
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation220209960.420 Why?
Obesity42021128060.390 Why?
Airway Management120143090.380 Why?
Echocardiography, Transesophageal2201911090.370 Why?
Hypotension120168780.350 Why?
Monitoring, Intraoperative120169330.340 Why?
Preoperative Care2201522320.330 Why?
Anesthesia, General2202111330.310 Why?
Bariatric Surgery220149720.280 Why?
Flushing12006520.260 Why?
Sweating120061530.250 Why?
Analgesia320214490.250 Why?
Patient Education as Topic1201422940.230 Why?
Obesity, Morbid1201412560.230 Why?
Delivery of Health Care1202152790.220 Why?
Respiration, Artificial1201425970.220 Why?
Cesarean Section2202013740.190 Why?
Embolism, Amniotic Fluid12019200.170 Why?
Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice1201439350.170 Why?
Anxiety1201444550.170 Why?
Anesthesia, Epidural120212280.170 Why?
Labor, Obstetric120213180.150 Why?
Health Facilities120215710.140 Why?
Postoperative Complications12015154380.110 Why?
Videotape Recording120143380.100 Why?
Fatal Outcome1201618280.100 Why?
Emergency Medicine1201911920.090 Why?
Oxygen Consumption1201418380.080 Why?
Health Personnel1202132660.080 Why?
Palliative Care1202135730.070 Why?
Anesthesia2200915500.070 Why?
Disease Management1201624800.060 Why?
Sex Factors12019104570.060 Why?
Language1201415010.060 Why?
Pregnancy32021294410.060 Why?
Surgical Procedures, Operative1201518630.060 Why?
Analgesics, Opioid1201936910.050 Why?
Humans1220217524110.050 Why?
Patient Satisfaction1201434270.050 Why?
Perioperative Care1200910150.050 Why?
Intraoperative Care120057590.050 Why?
Pilot Projects1201484430.050 Why?
Digestive System Surgical Procedures120055740.040 Why?
Female720213860850.040 Why?
Pancreas1200616760.040 Why?
Pain, Postoperative1200916710.040 Why?
Echocardiography, Doppler, Color120193530.040 Why?
Gallbladder Diseases120191370.040 Why?
Placenta Previa120191220.040 Why?
Body Mass Index12014127960.040 Why?
Heart Failure12019117290.030 Why?
Pregnancy Complications, Cardiovascular120195120.030 Why?
Delivery, Obstetric120219180.030 Why?
Hysterectomy120198960.030 Why?
Probability1201924750.030 Why?
Weight Loss1200526490.030 Why?
Middle Aged320192170390.030 Why?
Appendicitis120196720.030 Why?
Analgesics1201910450.030 Why?
Health Care Surveys1201924270.020 Why?
Adult420212169270.020 Why?
Social Class1201919920.020 Why?
Prospective Studies12014538090.020 Why?
Aged220141665850.020 Why?
Health Status Disparities1201917750.020 Why?
Pulmonary Embolism1201925150.020 Why?
Diagnosis, Differential12019129010.010 Why?
Pain1201949890.010 Why?
Young Adult22021576320.010 Why?
Healthcare Disparities1201933020.010 Why?
Postoperative Care1200914650.010 Why?
Infant, Newborn12021259190.010 Why?
Male220193549080.010 Why?
Emergency Service, Hospital1201977350.010 Why?
Myocardial Infarction12019118420.010 Why?
Evidence-Based Medicine1200936780.010 Why?
Sleep Apnea Syndromes120059710.010 Why?
Medical Errors1200512530.010 Why?
Sleep Apnea, Obstructive1200918490.010 Why?
United States12019714380.010 Why?
Child12019790040.010 Why?
Adolescent12019867660.010 Why?
Retrospective Studies12019791330.010 Why?
Smoking1200590280.000 Why?
Practice Guidelines as Topic1200574000.000 Why?
Risk Factors12005734250.000 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.