Harvard Catalyst Profiles

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Debra Rachel Milamed, M.S.

Concepts (105)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
World War II112020614.840 Why?
Military Medicine720201863.580 Why?
History, 20th Century20202127731.380 Why?
Northern Ireland112019371.340 Why?
Military Personnel4201812441.060 Why?
Nobel Prize22023480.950 Why?
Ships22018530.940 Why?
Alligators and Crocodiles1202390.900 Why?
Famous Persons220191090.760 Why?
State Medicine120222130.710 Why?
Aircraft220181260.700 Why?
Reference Standards2202210040.690 Why?
Measles120211850.650 Why?
Diphtheria12018330.630 Why?
General Surgery4201616780.620 Why?
Military Facilities1201540.510 Why?
Protons1202111140.510 Why?
Home Care Services220136540.480 Why?
Equipment Safety220132530.470 Why?
Neurosurgery120206700.460 Why?
Civil Defense120151150.450 Why?
Hepatitis B120197010.440 Why?
Paintings120141030.430 Why?
Blood Banks120131080.410 Why?
Communicable Disease Control120188440.390 Why?
Hospital Administration120153550.390 Why?
Tuberculosis, Lymph Node12011210.380 Why?
England320195260.370 Why?
Clinical Alarms12011610.350 Why?
Electrical Equipment and Supplies12010280.340 Why?
Catheters120124250.330 Why?
Oxygen Inhalation Therapy120134040.330 Why?
Vitamin A Deficiency12009880.330 Why?
Ventilators, Mechanical120112870.310 Why?
Respiration, Artificial1201926220.310 Why?
Paratyphoid Fever12008340.310 Why?
Orthopedics120168920.290 Why?
Internationality1201210040.280 Why?
Asbestos120082510.280 Why?
Orthopedic Procedures1201612630.270 Why?
Vitamin A120096130.270 Why?
Pneumonia, Bacterial120093190.260 Why?
Burns1201718660.260 Why?
Ireland220161720.230 Why?
Emergency Medical Services1201519250.230 Why?
Blood Transfusion1201013280.220 Why?
Streptococcus pneumoniae120097320.220 Why?
History, 19th Century220187200.210 Why?
Mesothelioma120088070.200 Why?
Hospitals1201539280.200 Why?
Europe3201934410.190 Why?
United States142019724480.190 Why?
Surgical Equipment11999570.170 Why?
Naval Medicine12018300.160 Why?
Disease Outbreaks1200817580.160 Why?
France120195110.150 Why?
Social Control, Formal120181080.150 Why?
Occupational Exposure1200818090.150 Why?
Critical Care1201126990.150 Why?
Human Experimentation120181230.150 Why?
Humans2820237606130.150 Why?
Quality Improvement1201338350.140 Why?
Oceans and Seas12015470.130 Why?
Carrier State120185250.120 Why?
Ambulatory Care1200627820.120 Why?
International Cooperation2201114330.110 Why?
Equipment Failure220105770.110 Why?
International Agencies120132440.100 Why?
Laminectomy119932240.100 Why?
World War I12010140.090 Why?
Catheters, Indwelling120124280.090 Why?
Sulfanilamides12009140.080 Why?
Schools1201814800.080 Why?
Vaccination1202133590.080 Why?
Pathology120102700.070 Why?
Penicillins120094070.070 Why?
Canada1201021260.060 Why?
Equipment Design1201335200.060 Why?
Low Back Pain119939790.060 Why?
Schools, Medical120108780.060 Why?
Medical Errors1201112550.050 Why?
Mortality1199429160.050 Why?
Prevalence12019156860.050 Why?
Public Health1201526530.050 Why?
Anti-Infective Agents120099810.050 Why?
Jurisprudence119991090.040 Why?
Politics120068140.040 Why?
Male620193597180.040 Why?
Liability, Legal119992100.040 Why?
Animals220231679600.030 Why?
Gallbladder Diseases119941370.030 Why?
Peptic Ulcer119942190.030 Why?
Hernia, Inguinal119942200.020 Why?
Women's Rights12010650.020 Why?
Intestinal Obstruction119944340.020 Why?
Prostatic Hyperplasia119945300.020 Why?
Appendicitis119946740.020 Why?
Female420193912460.020 Why?
Physicians, Women120104950.010 Why?
Massachusetts1199388030.010 Why?
Aged, 80 and over11993589800.000 Why?
Adolescent11993878090.000 Why?
Aged119931691430.000 Why?
Middle Aged119932203590.000 Why?
Adult119932200070.000 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.