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Andrew M Kuller, Psy.D.

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The people in this list are ordered by decreasing similarity.
Name Also Co-Authors Similarity Score Why?
Matcheri S Keshavan, M.D.11.24
Ming T. Tsuang, D.Sc., M.D., Ph.D.4.335
Sabine Wilhelm, Ph.D.3.224
John R Weisz, Ph.D.3.219
Ronald Charles Kessler, Ph.D.2.887
Lynn E DeLisi, M.D.2.476
Martha Elizabeth Shenton, Ph.D.2.026
Kenneth Hugh Mayer, M.D.1.936
Stephen V. Faraone, Ph.D.1.787
Devon Emerson Hinton, M.D.1.540
William Seth Stone, Ph.D.1.509
David Glahn, Ph.D.1.487
John J. McGrath, M.D.1.472
Marek R. Kubicki, M.D.1.457
Ross J. Baldessarini, D.Sc., M.D.1.431
Daphne Jane Holt, M.D., Ph.D.1.420
Margaret A. Niznikiewicz, Ph.D.1.342
Oliver Freudenreich, M.D.1.311
Maurizio Fava, M.D.1.270
Kathryn Eve Lewandowski, Ph.D.1.258
A. Eden Evins, M.D.1.215
Andrew Alan Nierenberg, M.D.1.200
John B. Torous, M.D.1.142
Paulo L Lizano, M.D.1.132
Christian A Webb, Ph.D.1.079
Daniel Albert Geller, M.B.,B.S.1.072
Roger Douglas Weiss, M.D.1.051
David Westfall Bates, M.D.1.041
Gina Rosalind Kuperberg, M.D.1.033
Jill M. Goldstein, Ph.D.1.016
Luana Marques, Ph.D.0.998
Jennifer Joanne Thomas, Ph.D.0.997
Corinne Cather, Ph.D.0.969
Paul Gerard Nestor, Ph.D.0.933
Jennifer Greenberg, Psy.D.0.906
Rebecca Kathryn McHugh, Ph.D.0.889
Emily Ehrich Bernstein, Ph.D.0.870
Mauricio Tohen, Dr.P.H., M.D.0.868
Eric S Zhou, Ph.D.0.862
Raquelle Mesholam-Gately, Ph.D.0.857
Judy Ellen Garber, M.D.0.838
Stephen James Bartels, M.D.0.836
Bruce Michael Cohen, M.D.,Ph.D.0.816
Elyse R Park, Ph.D.0.811
Katherine Burdick, Ph.D.0.806
Robert R Edwards, Ph.D.0.792
Dara Sue Manoach, Ph.D.0.756
Ichiro Kawachi, M.B.,Ch.B., Ph.D.0.745
Mei-Hua Hall, Ph.D.0.740
Celeste Robb-Nicholson, M.D.0.734
Kasisomayajula Viswanath, Ph.D.0.704
Roy Howard Perlis, M.D.0.701
Joseph T. Coyle, M.D.0.700
Carlos Arturo Camargo, Jr., Dr.P.H., M.D.0.694
Jennifer Gottlieb, Ph.D.0.685
Dost Ongur, M.D.,Ph.D.0.684
Kristen Anne Woodberry, Ph.D.0.680
Margarita Alegria, Ph.D.0.679
Lisa I. Iezzoni, M.D.0.677
Scott Laurence Rauch, M.D.0.670
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.