Harvard Catalyst Profiles

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David A Rosman, M.D.

Concepts (115)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
Radiology6202120990.760 Why?
Diagnostic Imaging5202035080.660 Why?
Marketing of Health Services120201530.660 Why?
Practice Management, Medical120201960.620 Why?
Head120228800.570 Why?
Medicare Part B120171080.570 Why?
Radiology Department, Hospital120204120.530 Why?
Medicare7202265660.530 Why?
Capitation Fee120131160.440 Why?
Leadership1202113570.410 Why?
Insurance, Health, Reimbursement120143970.370 Why?
Orbital Fractures220101100.340 Why?
Fee-for-Service Plans120136940.310 Why?
Employment1201411320.290 Why?
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act2201412090.290 Why?
Lacrimal Apparatus Diseases12006650.270 Why?
Actinomycosis12005210.260 Why?
Professional Practice120073260.260 Why?
Actinomyces12005390.260 Why?
Education120075430.240 Why?
Income1201319130.240 Why?
Pericarditis120051280.230 Why?
Pericardial Effusion120052470.220 Why?
Insurance Claim Review220177200.220 Why?
Heartburn12022680.210 Why?
Anorexia120221610.210 Why?
Societies, Medical1201437430.200 Why?
Health Care Costs1201332090.170 Why?
Nausea120226740.170 Why?
Current Procedural Terminology12020920.170 Why?
Organizational Case Studies120202990.170 Why?
Policy120225080.160 Why?
Program Evaluation2202024880.160 Why?
United States112022698690.150 Why?
Tomography Scanners, X-Ray Computed120181680.150 Why?
Relative Value Scales12017840.150 Why?
Fee Schedules12015860.130 Why?
Internship and Residency3202057890.120 Why?
Pancreatitis1202110920.120 Why?
Tomography, X-Ray Computed62022201300.120 Why?
Job Description12014580.120 Why?
Abdomen1202011180.120 Why?
Health Services Accessibility3202151350.110 Why?
Governing Board12013530.110 Why?
Program Development1202013160.110 Why?
Credentialing120131260.110 Why?
Point-of-Care Systems2201511780.110 Why?
Solitary Pulmonary Nodule120152660.100 Why?
Gastrointestinal Diseases1202011700.100 Why?
Workload120178490.100 Why?
Gynecologic Surgical Procedures120133370.090 Why?
Massachusetts2202086620.090 Why?
Inpatients1202125180.090 Why?
Advisory Committees120137750.090 Why?
Magnetic Resonance Imaging42021354240.070 Why?
Academic Medical Centers1201727590.070 Why?
Decision Support Systems, Clinical1201511640.070 Why?
Humans2120227443760.070 Why?
Aged820221632840.070 Why?
Guideline Adherence1201522650.060 Why?
Positron-Emission Tomography1202162340.060 Why?
Health Care Reform1201312610.060 Why?
Doxycycline120053260.060 Why?
Adenocarcinoma1202163640.060 Why?
Pancreatic Neoplasms1202152630.060 Why?
Radiographic Image Enhancement120078850.050 Why?
Health Policy1201526610.050 Why?
Coronavirus Infections1202031350.050 Why?
Pneumonia, Viral1202032420.050 Why?
Emergency Service, Hospital1202176580.050 Why?
Echocardiography, Doppler120059350.050 Why?
Health Expenditures1201323490.050 Why?
Rare Diseases120055530.050 Why?
Drainage1200511420.040 Why?
Vomiting120226370.040 Why?
Practice Guidelines as Topic1201572810.040 Why?
Africa120206720.040 Why?
Laparotomy120204730.040 Why?
Rwanda120207030.040 Why?
Male920223501180.030 Why?
Retrospective Studies62021774590.030 Why?
Brain12022263860.030 Why?
Physicians1201345670.030 Why?
Cross-Over Studies1202020290.030 Why?
Clinical Competence3202046870.030 Why?
Ventricular Dysfunction, Left1200520730.030 Why?
National Health Insurance, United States120131040.030 Why?
Combined Modality Therapy1200586420.030 Why?
Echocardiography1200550990.030 Why?
Cardiovascular Diseases12018151590.030 Why?
Fluorodeoxyglucose F181202120160.030 Why?
Intensive Care Units1200536800.030 Why?
Cost Control120136240.020 Why?
Acute Disease1202171470.020 Why?
Female720213802000.020 Why?
Incidental Findings120156890.020 Why?
Health Care Rationing120134370.020 Why?
Severity of Illness Index12005155350.020 Why?
Ultrasonography1202059840.020 Why?
Risk Assessment12005233360.010 Why?
Follow-Up Studies12005390520.010 Why?
Middle Aged420212133880.010 Why?
Linear Models1201059520.010 Why?
Pandemics1202083860.010 Why?
Socioeconomic Factors1201377850.010 Why?
Treatment Outcome12005631150.010 Why?
Aged, 80 and over12020577760.010 Why?
Young Adult12020564340.010 Why?
Reproducibility of Results12010199050.010 Why?
Heart Diseases1200527890.010 Why?
Adolescent12020857840.010 Why?
Time Factors12013400770.010 Why?
Risk Factors12015722950.010 Why?
Image Processing, Computer-Assisted1200589490.000 Why?
Adult120202140560.000 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.