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Sarah Diamond, M.D.

Concepts (59)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
Ants92021324.240 Why?
Ecosystem420174771.090 Why?
Adaptation, Physiological3202112830.980 Why?
Global Warming22016750.940 Why?
Hot Temperature5201914150.860 Why?
Climate Change520174700.840 Why?
Genetic Fitness220211150.800 Why?
Manduca22011130.780 Why?
Urbanization120211000.720 Why?
Acclimatization220191080.600 Why?
Ferns1201120.410 Why?
Species Specificity5201724110.310 Why?
Body Size320194580.310 Why?
Motor Activity1201726660.290 Why?
Biological Evolution4202110580.290 Why?
Seasons3202115050.240 Why?
North America2201712640.220 Why?
Trees22013560.220 Why?
Temperature3201421910.200 Why?
Models, Biological3201394430.200 Why?
Quercus1202160.190 Why?
Larva220115060.170 Why?
Cities120195230.140 Why?
Animals1320211663080.140 Why?
Fertility120217690.130 Why?
Weather120172240.130 Why?
Appetitive Behavior12013380.110 Why?
Inbreeding12013480.110 Why?
Isoptera12013100.110 Why?
Life Tables120133680.110 Why?
North Carolina120133180.110 Why?
Random Allocation1201723850.100 Why?
Population Dynamics120133000.100 Why?
Pedaliaceae1201010.090 Why?
Host-Parasite Interactions120112950.080 Why?
Melanins120102920.080 Why?
Selection, Genetic120108790.060 Why?
Models, Genetic1201434230.060 Why?
Massachusetts1201385930.050 Why?
Survival Analysis12013101270.050 Why?
Feeding Behavior1201031560.040 Why?
Genetic Variation1201364560.040 Why?
Survival Rate12011126320.040 Why?
Climate120141430.030 Why?
Ecology120121020.030 Why?
Least-Squares Analysis120123620.030 Why?
Microsatellite Repeats120137840.020 Why?
Biodiversity120123450.020 Why?
Reproduction120136420.020 Why?
Genetics, Population120139160.020 Why?
Environment1201311110.020 Why?
Europe1201333540.020 Why?
Phylogeny1201227370.020 Why?
Behavior, Animal1201218430.020 Why?
Genetic Loci1201325540.010 Why?
Genotype12013127750.010 Why?
United States12013703680.000 Why?
Male120133510980.000 Why?
Female120133821290.000 Why?
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Concepts (59)
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.