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Kenneth L Kehl, M.D.

Similar People (59)

Similar people share similar sets of concepts, but are not necessarily co-authors.
The people in this list are ordered by decreasing similarity.
Name Also Co-Authors Similarity Score Why?
Alice Tsang Shaw, M.D., Ph.D.53.46
Mark Awad, M.D., Ph.D. Yes 53.14
Lecia Vandam Sequist, M.D.49.42
David Christopher Christiani, M.D.45.72
Justin Franklin Gainor, M.D. Yes 44.80
Nancy Lynn Keating, M.D. Yes 40.84
Bruce Evan Johnson, M.D. Yes 40.33
Chi-Fu Jeffrey Yang, M.D.39.26
Biagio Ricciuti, M.D. Yes 39.06
Daniel Botelho Costa, M.D., Ph.D. Yes 38.64
Lynette Marie Sholl, M.D. Yes 37.13
Paolo Boffetta, M.D.36.52
Edward L. Giovannucci, D.Sc., M.D.35.11
Pan Yang, Ph.D.33.33
Mari Mino-Kenudson, M.D.31.37
Toni K. Choueiri, M.D. Yes 31.37
Mizuki Nishino Hatabu, M.D. Yes 31.16
Shuji Ogino, M.D., Ph.D.30.89
Quoc-Dien Trinh, M.D.27.61
Jennifer Williams Mack, M.D. Yes 27.35
Jennifer Sue Temel, M.D.27.05
Andrew Chan, M.D.26.98
Frank Stephen Hodi, M.D. Yes 24.91
Rebecca Suk Heist, M.D.23.75
Hugo Aerts, Ph.D.23.40
David Westfall Bates, M.D. Yes 23.13
Michael Lanuti, M.D.22.99
Jeffrey A Meyerhardt, M.D.22.58
Judy Ellen Garber, M.D.22.46
Joaquin Bellmunt Molins, M.D.22.38
Matthew Langer Meyerson, M.D., Ph.D.21.83
Graham Andrew Colditz, Dr.P.H., M.B.,B.S., M.D.21.60
Rakesh K. Jain, Ph.D.21.32
Eric Paul Winer, M.D.21.24
Florian Johannes Fintelmann, M.D.20.64
Benjamin Daniel Sommers, M.D., Ph.D.20.05
Raymond H Mak, M.D.19.34
Jessica Jiyeong Lin, M.D.19.28
Timothy R Rebbeck, Ph.D.19.27
Pasi Antero Janne, M.D.,Ph.D.18.96
Deepak L. Bhatt, M.D.18.91
Francesco Facchinetti, M.D., Ph.D.18.85
Paul Gerard Guy Richardson, M.B.,B.S.18.81
Ann Hart Partridge, M.D.18.66
Elyse R Park, Ph.D.18.32
Ichiro Kawachi, M.B.,Ch.B., Ph.D.18.21
Sara Michell Tolaney, M.D.18.18
Ibiayi Dagogo-Jack, M.D.18.07
Eliezer Mendel Van Allen, M.D. Yes 18.05
Thomas Jay Smith, Ph.D.17.87
Michael T. Jaklitsch, M.D. Yes 17.72
Walter C. Willett, Dr.P.H., M.D.17.66
Nancy U. Lin, M.D.17.41
Wendy Chung, M.D., Ph.D.17.18
Harold John Burstein, M.D., Ph.D.16.73
Keith Thomas Flaherty, M.D.16.63
Kenneth Carl Anderson, M.D.16.29
Nadine Muskatel Tung, M.D.15.97
Ashish Kumar Jha, M.D.15.97
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.