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Andrew Brook, M.D.

Concepts (77)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
Coral Reefs62023330.970 Why?
Anthozoa32019650.810 Why?
Seaweed12016280.550 Why?
Fisheries42023440.460 Why?
Ecosystem520234770.300 Why?
Conservation of Natural Resources220202020.270 Why?
Biodiversity320233450.220 Why?
Receptors, KIR2DL21202190.200 Why?
Receptors, KIR2DL312021180.200 Why?
Fishes420205850.200 Why?
HLA-C Antigens120211500.180 Why?
Biomass220161310.170 Why?
Epitopes, T-Lymphocyte120218710.140 Why?
Perciformes12016230.140 Why?
Endangered Species12015190.130 Why?
Geography120166540.120 Why?
Riboflavin120131040.100 Why?
Receptors, Antigen, T-Cell, alpha-beta120137900.080 Why?
CD8-Positive T-Lymphocytes1202145180.070 Why?
Histocompatibility Antigens Class I1201313380.070 Why?
Folic Acid1201312840.070 Why?
1-Methyl-4-phenylpyridinium12005320.060 Why?
MPTP Poisoning12005360.060 Why?
Australia2202112140.060 Why?
Herbicides120051020.060 Why?
Mesencephalon120053270.050 Why?
Influenza B virus12021500.050 Why?
Human Activities12020260.040 Why?
Animals820231663080.040 Why?
Pacific Islands12019520.040 Why?
Mutant Proteins120214910.040 Why?
Influenza A virus120214520.040 Why?
Protein Interaction Mapping120216230.040 Why?
Benchmarking1202310280.040 Why?
Wilderness1201640.040 Why?
Dogs1202138200.030 Why?
Polynesia12015140.030 Why?
Papua New Guinea12015430.030 Why?
T-Lymphocytes12013100180.030 Why?
Goals120206930.030 Why?
Gene Frequency1202135330.030 Why?
Ligands1202132660.030 Why?
Protein Refolding1201360.030 Why?
Population Dynamics120153000.030 Why?
Killer Cells, Natural1202121700.020 Why?
HEK293 Cells1202141790.020 Why?
Minor Histocompatibility Antigens120132940.020 Why?
Jurkat Cells120137270.020 Why?
Protein Interaction Domains and Motifs120134510.020 Why?
Alleles1202168310.020 Why?
Influenza, Human1202115020.020 Why?
Amino Acid Sequence12021134930.020 Why?
Peptides1202143120.020 Why?
Protein Binding1202192800.020 Why?
Mice, Transgenic1202194410.020 Why?
Bayes Theorem1201622720.020 Why?
Crystallography, X-Ray1201319700.020 Why?
Gene Expression Regulation12005118420.020 Why?
Neurons1200592870.020 Why?
Cells, Cultured12021188910.020 Why?
PC12 Cells120053170.020 Why?
Recombinant Proteins1201365050.010 Why?
Risk1201595210.010 Why?
Socioeconomic Factors1201676730.010 Why?
Intestinal Mucosa1201329880.010 Why?
Escherichia coli1201341600.010 Why?
Dopamine1200515710.010 Why?
Oligonucleotide Array Sequence Analysis1200537840.010 Why?
Humans420217460700.010 Why?
Parkinson Disease1200528140.010 Why?
Gene Expression Profiling1200593130.010 Why?
Rats12005236810.010 Why?
Middle Aged120212144190.000 Why?
Adult120212149690.000 Why?
Male120213510980.000 Why?
Female120213821290.000 Why?
Mice12005800650.000 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.