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Christopher Michael Westgard, Ph.D.

Concepts (54)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
House Calls320231601.350 Why?
Peru620208691.050 Why?
Health Services Accessibility3201953970.580 Why?
Telemedicine4202430180.540 Why?
Medically Underserved Area320232570.470 Why?
Maternal Health Services120194550.460 Why?
Child Health Services120196440.450 Why?
Developmental Disabilities1201715040.320 Why?
Health Behavior1201926220.300 Why?
Child Development1201922850.300 Why?
Health Promotion1201822070.270 Why?
Patient Acceptance of Health Care1201931640.250 Why?
Referral and Consultation1201835980.250 Why?
Breast Feeding2202313550.150 Why?
Sheep Diseases12017180.150 Why?
Echinococcosis12017310.150 Why?
Anthelmintics12017820.140 Why?
Family Planning Services120192650.140 Why?
Child62023797990.130 Why?
Socioeconomic Factors2201978050.120 Why?
Maternal Age120178070.120 Why?
Cluster Analysis1201926980.100 Why?
Rural Population2202322680.100 Why?
Nutritional Status1201916070.090 Why?
Program Evaluation1201824930.090 Why?
Educational Status1201725140.090 Why?
Child, Preschool32023420560.090 Why?
Residence Characteristics1201920610.080 Why?
Health Policy1201926770.070 Why?
Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic22023103430.070 Why?
Quality Improvement1202038350.060 Why?
Multivariate Analysis12017121590.060 Why?
Humans920247606130.050 Why?
Logistic Models12017133120.050 Why?
Female620233912460.050 Why?
Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice1201739850.050 Why?
Pregnancy22023297460.050 Why?
Prevalence12017156860.040 Why?
Infant22023360530.040 Why?
Echinococcus granulosus12017110.040 Why?
India1202423360.040 Why?
Animal Husbandry12017640.040 Why?
Dog Diseases120171410.030 Why?
Zoonoses120171790.030 Why?
Adult320192200070.030 Why?
Sheep1201714410.030 Why?
Dogs1201738410.030 Why?
Male320193597180.020 Why?
Adolescent12017878090.020 Why?
Vaccines120178320.020 Why?
Pandemics1202486230.010 Why?
Animals120171679600.000 Why?
Aged120171691430.000 Why?
Middle Aged120172203590.000 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.