Harvard Catalyst Profiles

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Alex Michael Russell, Ph.D.

Concepts (45)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
Alcoholism3202219361.110 Why?
Alcohol Drinking8202239900.990 Why?
Alcoholic Beverages220212630.830 Why?
Religion220203710.680 Why?
Peer Group220206560.630 Why?
Behavior, Addictive120214600.520 Why?
Ethanol4202213220.510 Why?
Universities620229500.490 Why?
Psychometrics1202130050.390 Why?
Students7202216670.380 Why?
Adolescent Behavior1201911490.380 Why?
Mass Media220233030.350 Why?
Internet1202130650.310 Why?
Substance-Related Disorders1202143200.250 Why?
Gambling120232570.170 Why?
Social Responsibility120223840.170 Why?
Narration120212120.170 Why?
Public Opinion120224800.160 Why?
Crime Victims120223240.150 Why?
Sex Offenses120223560.150 Why?
Sports120236900.150 Why?
Humans2120237524110.150 Why?
Nicotine120226760.140 Why?
Cannabis120214360.130 Why?
Perception1202011810.110 Why?
Natural Language Processing1202211100.110 Why?
Public Health2202326460.110 Why?
Reproducibility of Results22021199010.110 Why?
United States42022714380.110 Why?
Educational Status1201924990.100 Why?
Social Support1202121180.100 Why?
Health Promotion1202322000.100 Why?
Health Behavior1202226150.090 Why?
Adolescent52022867660.090 Why?
Young Adult42022576320.070 Why?
Prevalence12022155080.060 Why?
Pandemics1202285110.050 Why?
Harm Reduction120231400.050 Why?
Privacy120232330.050 Why?
Confidentiality120236110.040 Why?
Female320223860850.030 Why?
Male220213549080.030 Why?
Research Design1202361130.020 Why?
Cross-Sectional Studies12021255390.010 Why?
Adult220212169270.010 Why?
Russell's Networks
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Concepts (45)
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.