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Akua Forson, Ph.D.

Concepts (73)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
Anopheles320231921.580 Why?
Ghana1120233121.500 Why?
Intestinal Diseases, Parasitic22018641.170 Why?
Malaria4202312260.930 Why?
Insecticides220231910.930 Why?
Elephantiasis, Filarial12023310.890 Why?
Onchocerciasis12023280.880 Why?
Campylobacter12020570.740 Why?
Gastroenteritis120202360.630 Why?
Bacteriuria120181030.610 Why?
Health Education1202310490.550 Why?
Drug Resistance, Microbial120188560.510 Why?
Occupations120185150.500 Why?
Escherichia coli Infections120185230.480 Why?
Neglected Diseases22023660.420 Why?
Family Characteristics1201810000.420 Why?
Larva220235070.350 Why?
Educational Status1201825130.350 Why?
Rural Population1201722540.280 Why?
Pregnancy Complications, Infectious1201821250.280 Why?
Escherichia coli1201842150.270 Why?
Insecticide Resistance22023200.260 Why?
Soil220231140.240 Why?
Parents1201835480.230 Why?
Pyrethrins12023440.220 Why?
Aedes12023970.200 Why?
Sporozoites12022820.200 Why?
Mosquito Control120221060.190 Why?
Campylobacter Infections12020310.180 Why?
Erythromycin120201170.180 Why?
Ampicillin120201410.180 Why?
Gentamicins120202510.170 Why?
Cross-Sectional Studies52023259560.170 Why?
Ciprofloxacin120203120.160 Why?
Focus Groups1202313840.150 Why?
Helminthiasis12016800.130 Why?
Parasites120171610.120 Why?
Microbial Sensitivity Tests1202019450.110 Why?
Drug Resistance, Bacterial1202010550.110 Why?
Demography1201716510.100 Why?
Prevalence32018156510.100 Why?
Feces1201814560.090 Why?
Malnutrition120166390.080 Why?
Animals620231677680.070 Why?
Health Surveys1201640640.070 Why?
Adult420232199350.060 Why?
Humans820237584060.060 Why?
Adolescent32023878920.060 Why?
Permethrin12023150.060 Why?
Anti-Bacterial Agents1202074030.050 Why?
Wetlands12021130.050 Why?
Rain12021600.050 Why?
Child32018798180.050 Why?
Ecology120211030.050 Why?
Female520203903230.040 Why?
Male420203587470.040 Why?
Pregnancy12018297420.030 Why?
Schistosoma12016170.030 Why?
Helminths12016390.030 Why?
Schistosomiasis12016640.030 Why?
Middle Aged220202195680.030 Why?
Seasons1202115190.030 Why?
Child, Preschool12017420620.030 Why?
HIV Infections12020172750.030 Why?
Geography120166600.030 Why?
School Health Services120163800.030 Why?
Young Adult12018588080.020 Why?
Risk Factors12017738090.020 Why?
Malaria, Falciparum1201610760.020 Why?
Plasmodium falciparum1201617420.020 Why?
Multivariate Analysis12016120960.010 Why?
Comorbidity12016104950.010 Why?
Mutation12023299150.010 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.