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Cindy Irene Hancox, Ph.D.

Similar People (60)

Similar people share similar sets of concepts, but are not necessarily co-authors.
The people in this list are ordered by decreasing similarity.
Name Also Co-Authors Similarity Score Why?
Harald Paganetti, Ph.D. Yes 7.295
Thomas Bortfeld, Ph.D.3.860
Anthony Zietman, M.B.,B.S., M.D.2.893
Helen Alice Shih, M.D.1.800
Madan Rehani, Ph.D.1.784
Bob Liu, Ph.D.1.766
Piotr Zygmanski, Ph.D.1.484
Jason Alexander Efstathiou, M.D., Ph.D.1.474
Yu S Zhang, Ph.D.1.413
Ross I. Berbeco, Ph.D.1.410
Hanne M. Kooy, Ph.D.1.374
Torunn I. Yock, M.D.1.298
Gregory C. Sharp, Ph.D.1.236
Paul Linh Nguyen, M.D.1.219
Theodore Sunki Hong, M.D.1.197
David Westfall Bates, M.D.1.145
Clemens Grassberger, Ph.D.1.138
Jan Patrick Oscar Schuemann, Ph.D.1.099
Robert A. Cormack, Ph.D. Yes 1.095
Shannon Michelle MacDonald, M.D.1.081
Stephen Thomas Sonis, D.M.D., D.M.Sc.1.020
Kathryn D. Held, Ph.D.0.989
Mark Alex Varvares, M.D.0.952
Andrzej Niemierko, Ph.D.0.947
Raymond H Mak, M.D. Yes 0.937
Drosoula Giantsoudi, Ph.D.0.925
Nicolas Depauw, Ph.D.0.922
Thomas F. Delaney, M.D.0.919
Alejandro Bertolet, Ph.D.0.911
Sophia C Kamran, M.D.0.877
Rachel Jimenez, M.D.0.841
Roy Barry Tishler, M.D., Ph.D. Yes 0.829
Sook-Bin Woo, B.D.S., D.M.D.0.827
Brian Winey, Ph.D.0.826
Anthony V. D'Amico, M.D., Ph.D.0.823
Maryam Moteabbed, Ph.D.0.778
Nancy J. Tarbell, M.D.0.769
Alexei V. Trofimov, Ph.D.0.756
Tracy Ann Balboni, M.D.0.742
Phillip M. Devlin, M.D.0.715
Ramin Khorasani, M.D.,C.M.0.681
Henning Willers, M.D.0.671
Benjamin Micheal Patrick Clasie, Ph.D.0.652
Frederic H. Fahey, D.Sc.0.639
Daphne A Haas-Kogan, M.D. Yes 0.621
Arnaud Beddok, M.D.0.616
Annie W. Chan, M.D.0.602
Michael James Callahan, M.D.0.599
George T. Y. Chen, Ph.D.0.589
Jonathan Daniel Schoenfeld, M.D. Yes 0.588
William Upjohn Shipley, M.D.0.560
Aaron David Sodickson, M.D., Ph.D.0.557
Zhaohui Han, Ph.D.0.557
Paolo Boffetta, M.D.0.555
Christian Vinzenz Guthier, Ph.D. Yes 0.554
Gregory Buti, Ph.D.0.549
Jonathan Eric Leeman, M.D.0.541
Kai Yang, Ph.D.0.539
Robert S. Langer, Sc.D.0.539
Peter F Orio, III, D.O.0.526
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.