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Aliza Hussain, M.B.,B.S.

Concepts (85)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
Atherosclerosis7202334451.400 Why?
Lipoproteins320228811.180 Why?
Cardiovascular Diseases82023151420.650 Why?
Renin-Angiotensin System120217580.550 Why?
Triglycerides2202224530.540 Why?
Secondary Prevention1202015290.470 Why?
Risk Reduction Behavior1202011250.450 Why?
Primary Prevention1202011670.440 Why?
Natriuretic Peptide, Brain1202115720.430 Why?
Ventricular Function, Left3202336600.410 Why?
Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA Reductase Inhibitors3202132550.400 Why?
Population Surveillance1202126140.360 Why?
Apolipoprotein C-III220222020.350 Why?
Veterans1202325190.350 Why?
Coronary Vessels1202031060.330 Why?
Heart Ventricles1202138170.320 Why?
Peptide Fragments1202150960.320 Why?
Brain Ischemia1202232640.310 Why?
Calcium1202057550.290 Why?
Blood Pressure1202185510.260 Why?
Heart Failure22023108960.210 Why?
Matrix Metalloproteinase 2120234710.200 Why?
Lipoprotein-X1202050.190 Why?
Risk Assessment32021233270.190 Why?
Inflammation12020106290.190 Why?
Coronary Artery Disease1202064850.190 Why?
Lipid Regulating Agents12020240.180 Why?
Echocardiography, Stress120201310.170 Why?
Stroke1202299750.170 Why?
Diabetes Mellitus, Type 212023117290.170 Why?
Hypertriglyceridemia120202950.150 Why?
Protein Precursors1202111540.140 Why?
Hyperlipoproteinemia Type II120213750.140 Why?
Risk Factors72021722520.140 Why?
Electric Countershock120195340.140 Why?
Reminder Systems120193710.140 Why?
Eicosapentaenoic Acid120205810.130 Why?
Dyslipidemias120208510.110 Why?
RNA Interference1202028900.100 Why?
Ischemia1202019070.100 Why?
Monocytes1202025930.090 Why?
Death, Sudden, Cardiac1201915420.090 Why?
Stroke Volume2202350020.090 Why?
Cardiology1202116680.090 Why?
Humans1620237438110.090 Why?
Defibrillators, Implantable1201914390.090 Why?
Health Status Disparities1202117960.090 Why?
Coronary Disease1202360780.080 Why?
Middle Aged620222132410.080 Why?
Ventricular Dysfunction, Left1201920740.080 Why?
Cardiomyopathies1201919110.070 Why?
Male820233497760.070 Why?
Inflammatory Bowel Diseases1202124280.070 Why?
Atrial Fibrillation1202350330.060 Why?
Prognosis22023290520.060 Why?
Female820233800200.050 Why?
Phenotype12020163610.050 Why?
Aged, 80 and over32023577440.050 Why?
Incidence12021209480.050 Why?
Electronic Health Records1201944670.050 Why?
Aged420231631780.050 Why?
Polymorphism, Single Nucleotide12020155180.050 Why?
Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System120211990.050 Why?
Prospective Studies22021532500.040 Why?
Follow-Up Studies12021390010.040 Why?
Time Factors12021400380.040 Why?
United States32021698590.040 Why?
Pennsylvania120196130.040 Why?
Pharmacogenetics120216740.040 Why?
HIV Infections12020167150.030 Why?
Hypercholesterolemia1202011510.030 Why?
Adult520212138890.020 Why?
Cause of Death1201935800.020 Why?
Genetic Testing1202134390.020 Why?
Comorbidity12021103800.020 Why?
Referral and Consultation1201935300.020 Why?
Double-Blind Method12020120200.020 Why?
Age Factors12021183550.010 Why?
Retrospective Studies22021774100.010 Why?
Hypertension1202184800.010 Why?
Cross-Sectional Studies12021250320.010 Why?
Cohort Studies12021405450.010 Why?
Adolescent12021857290.010 Why?
Young Adult12019563920.010 Why?
Treatment Outcome12019630420.010 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.