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Xinyu Li, Ph.D.

Similar People (60)

Similar people share similar sets of concepts, but are not necessarily co-authors.
The people in this list are ordered by decreasing similarity.
Name Also Co-Authors Similarity Score Why?
James Phillip Rathmell, M.D.4.987
D. Branch Moody, M.D.2.324
Charles Nicholas Serhan, Ph.D.1.648
Paul M. Ridker, M.D.1.142
Frank B. Hu, M.D., Ph.D.0.963
Ik-Kyung Jang, M.D., Ph.D.0.863
Samia Mora, M.D.0.841
Christos Mantzoros, M.D.0.753
Robert S. Langer, Sc.D.0.753
Gerald Watts, M.Sc.0.745
Pradeep Natarajan, M.D.0.736
Andrew J. Yee, M.D.0.669
Scott Harris Podolsky, M.D.0.657
David Shumway Jones, M.D., Ph.D.0.657
Shuhan He, M.D.0.656
Michael Barry Brenner, M.D.0.616
Davood Khalili, Ph.D.0.611
Sarah De Ferranti, M.D.0.587
Ahmed Elzoghby, Ph.D.0.530
Paul Franks, Ph.D.0.521
James Edward Muller, M.D.0.502
Peter Libby, M.D.0.500
Susan Redline, M.D.0.487
Nader Rifai, Ph.D.0.461
Kevin Raymond Loughlin, M.D.0.450
Robert Vincent Mulkern, Ph.D.0.447
Albert Hofman, M.D., Ph.D.0.432
Jinjun Shi, Ph.D.0.426
Christopher Paul Cannon, M.D.0.424
Steven Kyle Grinspoon, M.D.0.424
Oscar Franco, D.Sc., Ph.D.0.415
J. Michael Gaziano, M.D.0.415
Peter Fahey Weller, M.D.0.407
Dan Chasman, Ph.D.0.399
Sabine Hildebrandt, M.D.0.391
Iris Shai, Ph.D.0.375
Christopher Joseph O'Donnell, M.D.0.370
Rob M. Van Dam, Ph.D.0.366
Lei Qin, Ph.D.0.354
Jean Schaffer, M.D.0.341
Inga-Marie Schaefer, M.D.0.337
Xihong Lin, Ph.D.0.330
Julie Elizabeth Buring, Sc.D.0.323
Mark Puder, M.D., Ph.D.0.322
Meir Jonathan Stampfer, Dr.P.H., M.D.0.319
Brian E. Cade, Ph.D.0.319
Michael Robert Fettiplace, M.D.0.307
Eric Bruce Rimm, Sc.D.0.302
Martin Torriani, M.D.0.301
Emily Oken, M.D.0.298
David Patrick Mooney, M.D.0.297
Lois Kaye Lee, M.D.0.297
Richard Steven Blumberg, M.D.0.292
Stefanos Nikolaos Kales, M.D.0.284
Jorge Plutzky, M.D.0.276
Jon Clardy, Ph.D.0.274
Miriam A. Bredella, M.D.0.273
Katherine Phoenix Liao, M.D.0.272
Charles R.G. Guttmann, M.D.0.268
Elena Aikawa, M.D., Ph.D.0.267
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.