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Alexander Mattia Presciutti, M.A., M.S.

Concepts (75)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
Heart Arrest17202415033.630 Why?
Survivors11202423561.900 Why?
Stress Disorders, Post-Traumatic7202245251.230 Why?
Hypothermia, Induced320217581.080 Why?
Patient Discharge8202434600.920 Why?
Neurofibromatoses120232990.660 Why?
Neurilemmoma120235230.600 Why?
Diagnostic Self Evaluation120182250.540 Why?
Models, Psychological120198260.480 Why?
Social Support1202421410.460 Why?
Nervous System Diseases2202116450.380 Why?
Depression6202380260.380 Why?
Cause of Death1202037210.330 Why?
Adaptation, Psychological3202326270.290 Why?
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation4201810010.280 Why?
Anxiety4202345270.250 Why?
Quality of Life42023132840.230 Why?
Skin Neoplasms1202357960.220 Why?
Coma220234870.200 Why?
Caregivers3202322140.190 Why?
Middle Aged1420242196530.170 Why?
Aftercare220239190.170 Why?
Male1520243587190.150 Why?
Female1520243902400.140 Why?
Factor Analysis, Statistical120199980.130 Why?
Humans2220247592550.130 Why?
Tracheostomy120184160.120 Why?
Cardiovascular Diseases12020157280.120 Why?
Arousal1201911570.110 Why?
Recovery of Function3201829790.110 Why?
Resilience, Psychological120207490.110 Why?
Health Status Indicators120189680.110 Why?
Prospective Studies62024542040.110 Why?
Withholding Treatment120176120.100 Why?
Checklist120198250.100 Why?
Qualitative Research1202229400.100 Why?
Patient Readmission2202333230.100 Why?
Intensive Care Units2202337310.090 Why?
Adult820232193900.090 Why?
Proportional Hazards Models22023125220.080 Why?
Cross-Sectional Studies22022258600.080 Why?
Risk1202096230.080 Why?
Aged720241686170.070 Why?
Mortality1201929140.070 Why?
Stress, Psychological1202344280.070 Why?
Heart Diseases1201928000.070 Why?
Clinical Trials as Topic1202180550.060 Why?
Practice Guidelines as Topic1202174600.060 Why?
Cognition1202169400.060 Why?
Hospitalization22020107340.050 Why?
Diagnostic Techniques, Neurological12018620.040 Why?
New York120198740.030 Why?
Neurologic Examination120189160.030 Why?
Angina, Unstable120199260.030 Why?
Pacemaker, Artificial120198150.030 Why?
Survival Rate22018128000.030 Why?
Sex Distribution1201822940.030 Why?
Brain12018268630.020 Why?
Retrospective Studies42023801210.020 Why?
Prognosis22023295610.020 Why?
Defibrillators, Implantable1201914900.020 Why?
Animals120211678380.020 Why?
Psychiatric Status Rating Scales1201960160.020 Why?
Hospitals1202039300.020 Why?
Time Factors22018401090.020 Why?
Family1201731890.020 Why?
Longitudinal Studies12020144420.010 Why?
Sex Factors12018105180.010 Why?
Myocardial Infarction12019118880.010 Why?
Follow-Up Studies12018392160.010 Why?
Risk Factors12023741670.010 Why?
Magnetic Resonance Imaging12023361600.010 Why?
Heart Failure12019118330.010 Why?
Treatment Outcome12018648790.010 Why?
United States12018722370.010 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.