Harvard Catalyst Profiles

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Jacob Aaron Blythe, M.D.

Concepts (42)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
Conscience1201860.680 Why?
Social Change120181530.620 Why?
Religion and Medicine120191630.610 Why?
Terminal Care2202116940.420 Why?
Physician's Role120199430.410 Why?
Renal Dialysis1201917830.350 Why?
Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation1201913540.320 Why?
Kidney Diseases1201921480.310 Why?
Physicians3202045670.290 Why?
Withholding Treatment220215990.270 Why?
Physician-Patient Relations1201932290.270 Why?
Morals320222850.210 Why?
France120215170.180 Why?
Philosophy, Medical12018790.160 Why?
Social Values120192240.160 Why?
Informed Consent220219950.150 Why?
Comprehension220216100.150 Why?
Death120216780.140 Why?
Speech120215410.140 Why?
Ethics, Medical120207920.120 Why?
Clinical Clerkship120205320.120 Why?
Biological Specimen Banks120197110.120 Why?
Education, Medical, Undergraduate1202110080.100 Why?
Language1202114710.100 Why?
Curriculum2202136050.100 Why?
Decision Making2202238880.090 Why?
Patient Participation1201914570.090 Why?
Patient-Centered Care1201914380.080 Why?
Intensive Care Units1202136800.080 Why?
Attitude of Health Personnel1202038410.070 Why?
Humans1220227443660.060 Why?
Internship and Residency1202257910.050 Why?
Socialization12021870.050 Why?
Cultural Characteristics120212620.040 Why?
Professional Practice120213260.040 Why?
Resuscitation Orders120202690.040 Why?
Communication Barriers120213980.040 Why?
Interdisciplinary Communication120229500.030 Why?
Neoplasms12022216960.030 Why?
Qualitative Research1202026820.030 Why?
Hospitals1202039540.020 Why?
Pandemics1202283850.010 Why?
Blythe's Networks
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Concepts (42)
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.