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Naoise Mac Giollabhui, Ph.D.

Concepts (77)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
C-Reactive Protein8202438121.720 Why?
Interleukin-67202432081.160 Why?
Receptors, Interleukin-6220242261.010 Why?
Depression11202480570.920 Why?
Inflammation82024107180.890 Why?
Executive Function4202113740.650 Why?
Life Change Events320199530.620 Why?
Memory, Short-Term120249780.570 Why?
Behavioral Symptoms120191860.560 Why?
Pregnancy Trimester, Second120197320.520 Why?
Thinking120173190.470 Why?
Pregnancy Trimester, First120199080.470 Why?
Depressive Disorder, Major2202447450.440 Why?
Prenatal Exposure Delayed Effects2202424960.360 Why?
Adolescent Behavior1201811840.330 Why?
Sex Characteristics1201926210.310 Why?
Attention3202123870.280 Why?
Pregnancy Complications2202429420.260 Why?
Depressive Disorder2201837270.260 Why?
Adolescent162024878920.240 Why?
Mental Disorders2202268030.230 Why?
Cytokines1201973380.220 Why?
Longitudinal Studies42024144900.220 Why?
Cognition6202169530.210 Why?
Psychoneuroimmunology12022130.210 Why?
Body Mass Index12019128760.190 Why?
Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha3202343420.190 Why?
Signal Transduction12024233420.180 Why?
Hyperthermia, Induced120244160.180 Why?
Child112024798180.170 Why?
Memory Disorders1202411970.140 Why?
Adolescent Development120202820.130 Why?
Prospective Studies62024541370.130 Why?
Male1720243587470.130 Why?
Goals120217070.130 Why?
Humans2420247584060.120 Why?
Female1720243903230.120 Why?
Central Nervous System1202213330.120 Why?
Substance-Related Disorders2202344020.120 Why?
Models, Psychological120188300.120 Why?
Cross-Sectional Studies32024259560.100 Why?
Minority Groups1202012060.100 Why?
Stress, Psychological2201944550.100 Why?
Antidepressive Agents1202428890.100 Why?
Motivation1202119960.090 Why?
Social Class1202019990.090 Why?
Urban Population1201920250.090 Why?
Adult920242199350.090 Why?
Double-Blind Method12024122620.090 Why?
Sex Factors22024105040.080 Why?
Forecasting1201829230.080 Why?
Borderline Personality Disorder120157650.080 Why?
Psychiatric Status Rating Scales1201760130.070 Why?
Neuropsychological Tests1202070210.070 Why?
Young Adult22024588080.070 Why?
Cohort Studies22021412560.070 Why?
Aged420241682180.060 Why?
Family1201631880.060 Why?
Self Report2202137140.060 Why?
Caregivers1201622250.060 Why?
Mental Health1201832340.050 Why?
Pregnancy22024297420.050 Why?
Social Identification120211070.040 Why?
Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity1201537010.040 Why?
California1202414190.040 Why?
Risk Factors42021738090.040 Why?
Treatment Outcome12024643780.040 Why?
Reward120219650.030 Why?
Impulsive Behavior120153460.030 Why?
United States12021721360.030 Why?
Psychopathology120154290.030 Why?
Middle Aged220242195680.020 Why?
Comorbidity22016104950.020 Why?
Socioeconomic Factors1202078180.020 Why?
Brain Mapping1202165700.020 Why?
Brain12021269470.010 Why?
Magnetic Resonance Imaging12021362840.010 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.