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Alexandra Mueller Dick, Ph.D.

Concepts (42)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
Empathy120244730.670 Why?
Yoga420152800.630 Why?
Stress Disorders, Post-Traumatic6202445250.530 Why?
Affective Symptoms120184160.490 Why?
Psychotherapy1202416380.490 Why?
Borderline Personality Disorder120187580.360 Why?
Language1201815250.310 Why?
Shame12024800.230 Why?
Adaptation, Psychological1201426270.220 Why?
Veterans3202426280.180 Why?
International Classification of Diseases120248820.160 Why?
Self Concept1202410370.150 Why?
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders2202419870.100 Why?
United States Department of Veterans Affairs120149100.080 Why?
Women's Health1201420570.060 Why?
Linear Models1201458760.060 Why?
Alcoholism1201419520.060 Why?
Mental Health Services1201517080.050 Why?
Young Adult42018584830.050 Why?
Emotions1201427310.050 Why?
Adolescent42018875600.050 Why?
Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice1201539590.040 Why?
Anxiety1201445270.040 Why?
Substance-Related Disorders1201443580.040 Why?
Adult620182193900.040 Why?
Humans920247592550.030 Why?
Depression1201480260.030 Why?
Female620183902400.030 Why?
Self Report1202436990.030 Why?
United States32015722370.020 Why?
Self Efficacy120156310.020 Why?
Middle Aged520152196530.020 Why?
Aged420151686170.020 Why?
Focus Groups1201513670.020 Why?
Motivation1201519910.020 Why?
Combined Modality Therapy1201485490.010 Why?
Pilot Projects1201485400.010 Why?
Evidence-Based Medicine1201236940.010 Why?
Comorbidity12014105470.010 Why?
Case-Control Studies12015219880.010 Why?
Reproducibility of Results12012200310.010 Why?
Male120153587190.000 Why?
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Concepts (42)
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.