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Gabriella Elizabeth DiCarlo, M.D.

Concepts (53)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
Autistic Disorder3202212160.840 Why?
Dopamine Plasma Membrane Transport Proteins120194150.560 Why?
Dopamine2202115990.510 Why?
Synaptic Transmission1201911690.420 Why?
Corpus Striatum1201912330.420 Why?
Behavior, Animal1201918660.370 Why?
Mutation, Missense1201925640.340 Why?
Illusions12022600.200 Why?
Invertebrates12021540.200 Why?
Vertebrates120212280.180 Why?
Speech Perception120225050.150 Why?
Mice, Mutant Strains1201917510.130 Why?
Amino Acid Substitution1201917340.120 Why?
Medulla Oblongata120152480.110 Why?
Inhibitor of Differentiation Proteins12010170.090 Why?
Drosophila melanogaster1201917100.090 Why?
Drosophila Proteins1201916990.080 Why?
Spinal Cord Injuries120159240.070 Why?
Spinal Cord1201518140.070 Why?
Animals420211677680.040 Why?
Hypertension, Pulmonary1201015640.040 Why?
Acoustic Stimulation1202212320.040 Why?
Auditory Perception120225800.040 Why?
Photic Stimulation1202219670.030 Why?
Neurons1201594160.030 Why?
Neuronal Tract-Tracers12015120.030 Why?
Aotidae12015590.030 Why?
Neuroanatomical Tract-Tracing Techniques12015400.030 Why?
Saimiri120153340.030 Why?
Biotin120152530.030 Why?
Microelectrodes120153040.030 Why?
Visual Perception1202213740.030 Why?
Mice22019811010.030 Why?
Dextrans120155730.030 Why?
Language1202215320.030 Why?
Cholera Toxin120155590.030 Why?
Lung1201099850.020 Why?
Somatosensory Cortex120155110.020 Why?
Hand120159030.020 Why?
Cervical Vertebrae120159770.020 Why?
Myocytes, Smooth Muscle120106860.020 Why?
Neural Pathways1201530390.010 Why?
Muscle, Smooth, Vascular1201014860.010 Why?
Blotting, Western1201050310.010 Why?
Analysis of Variance1201062340.010 Why?
Humans220227584060.010 Why?
Brain Mapping1201565700.010 Why?
Phosphorylation1201082970.010 Why?
Immunohistochemistry12010110700.010 Why?
Mice, Knockout12010143540.010 Why?
Cells, Cultured12010189400.010 Why?
Adolescent12022878920.010 Why?
Adult120222199350.000 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.