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Rose McKeon Olson, M.D.

Concepts (90)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
Sex Offenses520233521.130 Why?
Forensic Medicine12022640.770 Why?
Funeral Rites12021110.760 Why?
Transients and Migrants120231650.740 Why?
Blepharospasm12018290.630 Why?
Oculomotor Nerve12018720.630 Why?
Attitude to Death120214000.590 Why?
Medicine, African Traditional12017310.590 Why?
Sexual Abstinence12017160.580 Why?
Uterine Rupture12017650.570 Why?
Gynecological Examination12017300.570 Why?
Neuromuscular Agents120181470.560 Why?
Eyelids120182780.530 Why?
Death120216760.530 Why?
Rheumatology120226150.520 Why?
Shock, Hemorrhagic120172230.510 Why?
Documentation120228970.500 Why?
Wounds, Penetrating120173130.490 Why?
Botulinum Toxins, Type A120182370.490 Why?
Oculomotor Muscles120184060.470 Why?
Rural Health Services120173840.450 Why?
Family1202331970.390 Why?
Patient Satisfaction1202434600.390 Why?
Abortion, Induced120174620.390 Why?
Terminal Care1202317600.370 Why?
Emergency Service, Hospital2202478740.300 Why?
Developing Countries1202028850.290 Why?
Diabetes Mellitus1202358400.250 Why?
Health Services Accessibility2202354410.240 Why?
Kenya220227580.200 Why?
Agriculture120231910.200 Why?
Iron-Dextran Complex12020130.180 Why?
Ferrous Compounds12020410.180 Why?
Human Rights120223080.160 Why?
Photography120225320.160 Why?
Sexual Behavior3202321790.150 Why?
Hysterectomy, Vaginal12017280.150 Why?
Women's Rights12017650.140 Why?
Injections, Intramuscular120185540.140 Why?
Hematinics120202820.140 Why?
Retreatment120185980.140 Why?
Rape120171310.140 Why?
Bereavement120213080.140 Why?
Neuromuscular Junction120184050.130 Why?
Anemia, Iron-Deficiency120203690.130 Why?
Erythropoietin120207190.130 Why?
Nerve Fibers120187080.120 Why?
Uganda1201713320.100 Why?
Humans1720247614230.100 Why?
Prevalence32024157170.100 Why?
Boston1202493300.100 Why?
Learning1202117400.090 Why?
Income1202018760.090 Why?
Wounds and Injuries1202424910.090 Why?
Social Stigma120177690.090 Why?
Qualitative Research1202030230.080 Why?
Female820243925810.070 Why?
Cross-Sectional Studies22024261120.070 Why?
Time Factors22024399750.060 Why?
Reproducibility of Results12022200930.060 Why?
Adult420242211480.050 Why?
Pandemics1202186410.050 Why?
Ethiopia120234640.050 Why?
Zoonoses120211780.050 Why?
Aged220241692350.040 Why?
Sexual Partners120237960.040 Why?
United States22024723390.040 Why?
Middle Aged220242208260.040 Why?
Male420243607360.030 Why?
Social Justice120204780.030 Why?
Pregnancy12017298620.030 Why?
China1202123660.030 Why?
World Health Organization1202113160.030 Why?
International Cooperation1202114220.030 Why?
Adolescent22024883130.030 Why?
Information Dissemination1202111260.030 Why?
Disease Outbreaks1202117490.020 Why?
Survivors1202223710.020 Why?
Treatment Outcome12017646510.020 Why?
Recombinant Proteins1202065320.020 Why?
Drug Therapy, Combination1202063090.020 Why?
Age Factors12024184000.020 Why?
Hospitals1202038820.020 Why?
Retrospective Studies22024805820.010 Why?
Delivery of Health Care1202053350.010 Why?
Risk Assessment12021239900.010 Why?
Infant, Newborn12020262120.010 Why?
Young Adult12024592070.010 Why?
Risk Factors12023741670.010 Why?
Animals120211684410.010 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.