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Joseph Tanios Homsi, M.D.

Concepts (65)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
Insurance Claim Review120197410.490 Why?
Malpractice120195560.480 Why?
Digestive System Surgical Procedures120195720.460 Why?
Hospital Costs120199470.430 Why?
Laparoscopy1201920350.290 Why?
Length of Stay1201964250.260 Why?
Analgesics, Opioid1201938080.210 Why?
Water-Electrolyte Imbalance120191090.160 Why?
Liability, Legal120192100.150 Why?
Shock120193140.140 Why?
Postoperative Complications12019156310.140 Why?
Vocal Cords120195220.120 Why?
Rectum120198920.120 Why?
Burns2201818820.120 Why?
Emergency Nursing12013420.110 Why?
Education, Nursing, Continuing12013700.110 Why?
International Cooperation1201814220.100 Why?
Intubation, Intratracheal1201913290.100 Why?
Colon1201917920.090 Why?
Renal Dialysis1202117970.090 Why?
Cooperative Behavior1201815050.090 Why?
Pain, Postoperative1201917390.080 Why?
Leadership1201813850.080 Why?
Education, Medical, Continuing120138230.080 Why?
Pneumonia1201921430.070 Why?
Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity1202137080.070 Why?
Burn Units220181430.060 Why?
Sepsis1201925850.060 Why?
Communication1201838730.060 Why?
Emergency Medicine1201311980.060 Why?
Databases, Factual1201979670.060 Why?
Retrospective Studies32021806360.050 Why?
Medicare1201967700.050 Why?
Incidence12019213530.050 Why?
Lebanon120212450.040 Why?
Education, Nursing12018800.040 Why?
Middle Aged320212208950.030 Why?
Aged, 80 and over12019589760.030 Why?
First Aid12013690.030 Why?
Fever1202116180.030 Why?
Treatment Outcome12019646800.030 Why?
Life Support Care120132260.020 Why?
Italy120138420.020 Why?
United States12019723340.020 Why?
Humans620217615040.020 Why?
Aged220211692890.020 Why?
Medical Errors1201812630.020 Why?
Critical Care1202126960.020 Why?
Patient Care Team1201825210.020 Why?
Emergency Medical Services1201819230.020 Why?
Education, Medical1201817250.020 Why?
Coronary Disease1202159140.020 Why?
Dementia1202126860.020 Why?
Intensive Care Units1201837450.020 Why?
Male220213608040.020 Why?
Age Factors12021183950.010 Why?
Female220213926440.010 Why?
Hospitalization12021107230.010 Why?
Algorithms12021140310.010 Why?
Prognosis12021296250.010 Why?
Emergency Service, Hospital1201878790.010 Why?
Stroke1202197570.010 Why?
Heart Failure12021116690.010 Why?
Risk Factors12021742060.010 Why?
Child12021801530.010 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.