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Sara Cromer, M.D.

Similar People (60)

Similar people share similar sets of concepts, but are not necessarily co-authors.
The people in this list are ordered by decreasing similarity.
Name Also Co-Authors Similarity Score Why?
Frank B. Hu, M.D., Ph.D.30.30
JoAnn Manson, Dr.P.H., M.D.28.82
Deepak L. Bhatt, M.D.25.11
Daniel Hal Solomon, M.D.23.00
Douglas P. Kiel, M.D.20.78
Benjamin Leder, M.D.17.91
Scott David Solomon, M.D.17.35
Mary Larsen Bouxsein, Ph.D.16.23
Muthiah Vaduganathan, M.D.15.81
Christos Mantzoros, M.D.14.75
Vanita Aroda, M.D.14.61
Carlos Arturo Camargo, Jr., Dr.P.H., M.D.13.23
Edward L. Giovannucci, D.Sc., M.D.13.22
Walter C. Willett, Dr.P.H., M.D.12.84
James Benjamin Meigs, M.D. Yes 12.80
Jose Carlos Florez, M.D.,Ph.D. Yes 12.45
Elisabetta Patorno, Dr.P.H., M.D. Yes 12.34
David Matthew Nathan, M.D.12.04
Paul M. Ridker, M.D.11.96
Paul Franks, Ph.D. Yes 11.52
Deborah Jane Wexler, M.D. Yes 10.87
Susan Redline, M.D.10.12
Kenneth J. Mukamal, M.D.10.01
David Westfall Bates, M.D.9.695
Mary-Elizabeth Patti, M.D.9.558
Oscar Franco, D.Sc., Ph.D.9.460
Meryl Susan Leboff, M.D.9.326
Sarah Dyer Berry, M.D.9.090
Paolo Fiorina, M.D.8.988
C. Ronald Kahn, M.D.8.932
Lu Qi, M.D., Ph.D.8.850
Ghada El-Hajj Fuleihan, M.P.H.8.845
Christopher Paul Cannon, M.D.8.753
Medha N. Munshi, M.B.,B.S., M.D.8.750
Marc Steven Sabatine, M.D.8.648
Sebastian Schneeweiss, M.D., Sc.D.8.645
Robert A Gabbay, M.D., Ph.D.8.230
Dorairaj Prabhakaran, M.D.7.904
James Louis Januzzi, Jr., M.D.7.681
Ichiro Kawachi, M.B.,Ch.B., Ph.D.7.640
Marc Alan Pfeffer, M.D., Ph.D.7.614
Nuha Ali ElSayed, M.D.7.476
Albert Hofman, M.D., Ph.D.7.438
Matthew Raymond Smith, M.D., Ph.D.7.408
Eric Bruce Rimm, Sc.D.7.242
Peter Libby, M.D.7.240
Gerald Watts, M.Sc.7.199
Qi Sun, D.Sc., M.D.7.182
Rob M. Van Dam, Ph.D.7.019
Eugene Braunwald, M.D.6.796
Julie Elizabeth Buring, Sc.D.6.763
Andrzej Stefan Krolewski, M.D., Ph.D.6.743
Rohit N. Kulkarni, M.D., Ph.D.6.698
Joel Stephen Finkelstein, M.D.6.654
Caroline Fox, M.D.6.284
Catherine Mason Gordon, M.D.6.264
Joshua A. Hirsch, M.D.6.221
Wafaie W. Fawzi6.162
George Liang King, M.D.6.099
Gordon Campbell Weir, M.D.6.085
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.