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Lydia Bourouiba, Ph.D.

Concepts (99)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
Hydrodynamics520211632.090 Why?
Surface Tension32014431.430 Why?
Rain22015600.950 Why?
Models, Chemical220186070.910 Why?
Plant Leaves220151530.910 Why?
Plant Diseases220151840.870 Why?
Sneezing22020160.720 Why?
Influenza in Birds22010760.680 Why?
Influenza A Virus, H5N1 Subtype220101170.650 Why?
Long-Term Care120236300.640 Why?
Models, Biological5201894610.630 Why?
Air120181820.600 Why?
Surface-Active Agents120181500.600 Why?
Respiration Disorders120213640.600 Why?
Coronavirus Infections3202031100.570 Why?
Epidemics220215160.560 Why?
Poliomyelitis12014910.440 Why?
Hydrocephalus120207660.440 Why?
Microbubbles120141370.420 Why?
Mass Vaccination120141110.420 Why?
Communicable Diseases120218720.410 Why?
Pneumonia, Viral2202032320.400 Why?
Astrocytes1202013510.400 Why?
Basic Reproduction Number32021380.400 Why?
Biology120142920.400 Why?
Water1201814170.400 Why?
Pandemics3202187350.390 Why?
Ventilation320221290.360 Why?
Animal Migration1201070.360 Why?
Geese12010190.350 Why?
Disease Outbreaks5202317610.350 Why?
Aerosols420226340.330 Why?
Bacteria2201822120.300 Why?
History, 19th Century220217140.300 Why?
Cross Infection1201714270.300 Why?
Environmental Exposure1202045540.240 Why?
Hospitals1201738880.220 Why?
Stress, Mechanical2202016740.200 Why?
History, 20th Century2202127640.200 Why?
Ontario120234040.200 Why?
Disease Transmission, Infectious220205600.200 Why?
Soccer120241420.190 Why?
Infectious Disease Medicine12021500.180 Why?
Rheology120213470.170 Why?
Gases120202050.160 Why?
Biophysical Phenomena120203180.160 Why?
Exhalation120201850.160 Why?
Respiratory System120215620.150 Why?
Sports120247010.140 Why?
Masks120202120.140 Why?
Catheters120204280.140 Why?
Social Isolation120203660.140 Why?
Saliva120218520.130 Why?
Cough120205990.130 Why?
Food Chain12015270.120 Why?
History, 21st Century1202115740.120 Why?
Wettability12014270.120 Why?
Republic of Korea120175910.120 Why?
Seasons2201015210.120 Why?
Biomass120151350.110 Why?
Mathematical Concepts12014770.110 Why?
Air Pollution, Indoor120229310.110 Why?
Equipment Design1202034870.100 Why?
Locomotion120143880.100 Why?
Occupational Diseases1202014560.100 Why?
Motion120157830.090 Why?
Viruses120153710.090 Why?
Environment1201711200.090 Why?
Ecosystem120154900.090 Why?
Birds120101650.090 Why?
Health Personnel2202233840.080 Why?
Disease Reservoirs120101230.080 Why?
Humans1420247667660.080 Why?
Video Recording120149760.080 Why?
Food Supply120155440.080 Why?
Geography120106510.070 Why?
Virulence1201012940.070 Why?
Disease Susceptibility1201017910.060 Why?
Models, Theoretical1201535610.050 Why?
Computational Biology1201435640.050 Why?
Computer Simulation1201462590.040 Why?
Models, Statistical1201550910.040 Why?
Risk Assessment12020242950.040 Why?
Animals420151689300.030 Why?
Diagnostic Tests, Routine120227890.030 Why?
Zooplankton1201510.030 Why?
Oceans and Seas12015470.030 Why?
Cyanobacteria12015540.030 Why?
Infection Control120229840.030 Why?
Microbial Interactions12015740.030 Why?
Retrospective Studies12023816350.030 Why?
Water Microbiology120151170.030 Why?
Age Factors12010183970.030 Why?
Carbon120156730.020 Why?
Aged220221713430.020 Why?
Middle Aged120172232570.010 Why?
Adult120172233070.010 Why?
Male120173641420.010 Why?
Female120173965200.010 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.