Harvard Catalyst Profiles

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Vivian E-An Shih, M.D.

Co-Authors (44)

Co-Authors are people in Profiles who have published together.
Co-Authors are listed by decreasing relevence which is based on the number of co-publications and the years which they were written.
Name Most Recent
Number of
Co-Author Score Why?
Vijaya Ramesh, Ph.D.1998120.470 Why?
Wen-Hann Tan, M.D.200620.280 Why?
Joan Marilyn Stoler, M.D.200410.240 Why?
Kalpathy Subramaniam Krishnamoorthy, M.B.,B.S., M.D.200640.220 Why?
Harvey Louis Levy, M.D.200640.210 Why?
Susan Ellen Waisbren, Ph.D.200340.140 Why?
James Francis Gusella, Ph.D.199280.140 Why?
Florian Eichler, M.D.200620.140 Why?
P. Ellen Grant, M.D.200620.080 Why?
J Philip Kistler, M.D.200330.080 Why?
Nina Ellen Tolkoff-Rubin, M.D.200430.080 Why?
Deborah L. Marsden, M.B.,B.S.200850.070 Why?
David Alan Schoenfeld, Ph.D.200420.070 Why?
Homayoun Kazemi, M.D.199040.070 Why?
Louise Edith Wilkins-Haug, M.D., Ph.D.200610.070 Why?
A. Eden Evins, M.D.200430.070 Why?
Joseph T. Coyle, M.D.200410.060 Why?
Jonathan D. Picker, M.D., Ph.D.200310.060 Why?
Gerald Frank Cox, M.D.,Ph.D.200310.060 Why?
Masanori Takeoka, M.D.200110.050 Why?
Allan H Ropper, M.D.199910.040 Why?
Gerard T. Berry, M.D.199510.030 Why?
Oliver Freudenreich, M.D.200420.030 Why?
Francis Leo Delmonico, M.D.200420.030 Why?
A. Benedict Cosimi, M.D.200420.030 Why?
Andrea I. McClatchey, Ph.D.199020.030 Why?
James Richard Lehrich, M.D.199210.030 Why?
Tatsuo Hirose, D.M.Sc., M.D.199110.030 Why?
Joseph Charles Kvedar, M.D.199110.020 Why?
Francesca Cardarelli, M.D.200410.020 Why?
Winfred Woodrow Williams, Jr., M.D.200410.020 Why?
Hugh Glimcher Auchincloss, M.D.200410.020 Why?
John Patrick Cloherty, M.D.198720.010 Why?
Hang Lee, Ph.D.200310.010 Why?
Keith Lloyd Ligon, M.D., Ph.D.200310.010 Why?
Jonathan Rosand, M.D.200210.010 Why?
Bernard Alfred Rosner, Ph.D.198210.010 Why?
Michael Howard Picard, M.D.200110.010 Why?
Howard Philip Baden, M.D.199120.010 Why?
Thomas Harter Glick, M.D.197410.010 Why?
John Herbert Growdon, M.D.199210.010 Why?
Lynn A. Baden, M.D.199110.010 Why?
David Murray Systrom, M.D.198810.010 Why?
David Sellers Walton, M.D.197810.000 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.