Harvard Catalyst Profiles

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Nishant Uppal, M.D.

Concepts (87)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
Financing, Personal220233091.390 Why?
Health Care Sector220241960.840 Why?
Emigration and Immigration220223950.780 Why?
Private Sector120243970.740 Why?
Thyroid Neoplasms3202323320.720 Why?
Physicians, Family120223490.690 Why?
Family Practice120225100.660 Why?
Emergency Medical Technicians120191180.630 Why?
Commerce120246050.630 Why?
Emigrants and Immigrants220225390.610 Why?
Capacity Building120192570.560 Why?
Marketing320232200.520 Why?
Thyroid Nodule120237600.510 Why?
Career Choice120217540.500 Why?
Physicians2202345910.480 Why?
Osteoarthritis, Knee1202312340.420 Why?
Health Expenditures1202323620.370 Why?
Students, Medical2202019270.330 Why?
Opioid-Related Disorders2202121380.330 Why?
Public Health2202126530.320 Why?
Analgesics, Opioid2202137630.300 Why?
Delivery of Health Care2202353250.300 Why?
Emergency Medical Services1201919250.300 Why?
Capital Financing22023590.250 Why?
Public Sector120242650.200 Why?
Injections, Intra-Articular120232790.200 Why?
Florida120224300.180 Why?
Accreditation120244770.180 Why?
United States92024724610.180 Why?
Insurance120211140.170 Why?
Hyaluronic Acid120234820.170 Why?
Biotechnology120212810.170 Why?
Ambulances12019920.160 Why?
Urology120234230.150 Why?
Hospitals, Teaching1202211660.150 Why?
Drug Industry120237890.140 Why?
Ophthalmology120215490.120 Why?
Humans2020247606210.120 Why?
Pandemics3202286240.110 Why?
Cost of Illness1202219400.100 Why?
Investments220231480.090 Why?
Retrospective Studies62023803720.080 Why?
Education, Medical1202017270.080 Why?
Health Services Accessibility2202153970.070 Why?
Gene Expression Profiling1202394110.070 Why?
Comorbidity12021105510.070 Why?
Nanoparticles1201819430.070 Why?
Hemorrhage1201836000.070 Why?
Wounds and Injuries1201824770.060 Why?
Medicare1202367860.060 Why?
Cross-Sectional Studies22022259420.060 Why?
Coronavirus Infections1202030850.050 Why?
Pneumonia, Viral1202032050.050 Why?
United States Government Agencies12021260.050 Why?
Dextroamphetamine120211340.050 Why?
Amphetamines120211430.050 Why?
Public-Private Sector Partnerships120211220.050 Why?
Bupropion120213040.040 Why?
Communication Barriers120214150.040 Why?
Prospective Studies12022543030.040 Why?
Diffusion of Innovation120217300.030 Why?
Complement Activation120184460.030 Why?
Data Mining120215530.030 Why?
Managed Care Programs120219390.030 Why?
Hemostasis120184680.030 Why?
Hemostatics120182430.030 Why?
Pharmaceutical Preparations1202310910.030 Why?
Universities120209920.030 Why?
Neoplasms12024220720.030 Why?
Vasodilation120189620.030 Why?
Models, Animal1201821170.020 Why?
Aged120231691520.020 Why?
Swine1201858990.020 Why?
Boston1202092800.020 Why?
Male220223597440.020 Why?
Neoplasm Staging12021111520.020 Why?
Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity1202137010.020 Why?
Healthcare Disparities1202133880.020 Why?
Prevalence12021156870.010 Why?
Depressive Disorder, Major1202147440.010 Why?
Child, Preschool12021420630.010 Why?
Cohort Studies12021413350.010 Why?
Child12021798060.010 Why?
Adolescent12021878100.010 Why?
Adult120212199940.000 Why?
Animals120181679630.000 Why?
Female120213912700.000 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.