Harvard Catalyst Profiles

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Mohammad Rashidian, Ph.D.

Similar People (60)

Similar people share similar sets of concepts, but are not necessarily co-authors.
The people in this list are ordered by decreasing similarity.
Name Also Co-Authors Similarity Score Why?
Ralph Weissleder, M.D., Ph.D. Yes 22.30
Rakesh K. Jain, Ph.D.18.09
Scott J. Rodig, M.D., Ph.D.14.97
Arlene Helen Sharpe, M.D., Ph.D. Yes 13.38
Frank Stephen Hodi, M.D.12.74
Gordon James Freeman, M.D. Yes 12.39
Steven H. Liang, Ph.D. Yes 12.13
Eric Joseph Rubin, M.D., Ph.D.11.36
Keith Thomas Flaherty, M.D.10.78
Bruce David Walker, M.D. Yes 10.66
Ning Xia, M.D., Ph.D.10.44
Stephanie Kristin Dougan, Ph.D. Yes 10.06
Galit Alter, Ph.D.9.814
Marcelo F. Di Carli, M.D.9.704
Michael Lawrence Dougan, M.D.,Ph.D. Yes 9.561
Dan Hung Barouch, M.D.9.355
Kai Wucherpfennig, M.D., Ph.D. Yes 8.876
Catherine Ju-Ying Wu, M.D.8.738
Umar Mahmood, M.D., Ph.D.8.647
Shuji Ogino, M.D., Ph.D.8.623
Peter D. Caravan, Ph.D.8.430
Patrick Alexander Ott, M.D., Ph.D.8.257
Kenneth Carl Anderson, M.D.8.062
Howard L. Kaufman, M.D.7.742
Norbert Perrimon, Ph.D.7.737
Jacob M Hooker, Ph.D.7.603
Vijay Kumar Kuchroo, Ph.D.7.339
George C. Tsokos, M.D.7.251
Ciprian Catana, M.D., Ph.D.7.084
Ahmed A. Tawakol, M.D.7.072
Matthias Nahrendorf, M.D. Yes 7.058
Novalia Pishesha, Ph.D. Yes 7.023
Edward L. Giovannucci, D.Sc., M.D.6.966
Robert S. Langer, Sc.D.6.957
Andrew Chan, M.D.6.508
Howard Lee Weiner, M.D.6.464
Andrew Kruse, Ph.D.6.332
Donald William Kufe, M.D.6.300
Toni K. Choueiri, M.D.6.255
Khalid Shah, Ph.D.6.227
Peter Libby, M.D.6.162
Keith Alan Johnson, M.D.6.161
Constance Cepko, Ph.D.5.905
Steven P. Gygi, Ph.D.5.798
Andrew David Luster, M.D., Ph.D.5.718
Nir Hacohen, Ph.D.5.689
Farouc Amin Jaffer, M.D., Ph.D.5.645
David Francis McDermott, M.D.5.626
Diane Mathis, Ph.D.5.299
Chongzhao Ran, Ph.D.5.224
Ana Carrizosa Anderson, Ph.D.5.110
Onofrio Antonio Catalano, M.D.5.102
Edward A. Greenfield, Ph.D.5.086
Jerome Ritz, M.D.5.065
Matthew George Vander Heiden, M.D., Ph.D.5.053
Elizabeth Mittendorf, M.D., Ph.D.4.995
Richard Steven Blumberg, M.D.4.989
Mari Mino-Kenudson, M.D.4.985
Eliezer Mendel Van Allen, M.D.4.977
Christos Mantzoros, M.D.4.772
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.