Harvard Catalyst Profiles

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Patricia M Bamonti, Ph.D.

Concepts (107)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
Veterans10202426422.160 Why?
Pulmonary Disease, Chronic Obstructive8202432261.940 Why?
Depression12202480450.780 Why?
Geriatric Nursing12020390.720 Why?
Burnout, Professional220207020.700 Why?
Nursing Staff120201130.670 Why?
Exercise5202457870.460 Why?
Nursing Staff, Hospital120173440.450 Why?
Qualitative Research1202429630.450 Why?
Religion and Psychology120151780.430 Why?
Personal Autonomy120143020.390 Why?
Spirituality120154280.350 Why?
Disabled Persons1201912230.340 Why?
Anxiety4202445380.340 Why?
Adaptation, Psychological3202326280.310 Why?
Affective Symptoms120104160.280 Why?
Patient Acceptance of Health Care3201531640.260 Why?
United States Department of Veterans Affairs220229190.250 Why?
Quality of Life62023133080.220 Why?
Pain1201850660.210 Why?
Suicide1201415990.210 Why?
Aged1920241691430.210 Why?
Sleep Initiation and Maintenance Disorders2202210790.180 Why?
Depressive Disorder, Major1201847440.180 Why?
Veterans Health120222160.180 Why?
Actigraphy120235180.170 Why?
Self Efficacy220216300.160 Why?
Psychiatric Status Rating Scales3201560150.160 Why?
Depersonalization12017390.150 Why?
United States72024724480.140 Why?
Exercise Tolerance120218300.130 Why?
Outpatients2202116070.130 Why?
Middle Aged1220242203590.130 Why?
Humans2620247606130.130 Why?
Male1620243597180.130 Why?
Exercise Therapy120219190.120 Why?
Mid-Atlantic Region12014240.120 Why?
Female1420243912460.120 Why?
Geriatrics120193870.120 Why?
Fatigue1202115440.120 Why?
Cost of Illness1202419400.120 Why?
Psychotherapy, Group120174100.110 Why?
Dyspnea1202113530.110 Why?
Long-Term Care120176320.110 Why?
Stress Disorders, Post-Traumatic2202345550.100 Why?
Mind-Body Therapies120152650.100 Why?
Comorbidity22024105530.100 Why?
Health Status2201840820.100 Why?
Emotions2201927340.090 Why?
Aging1201086520.090 Why?
Aged, 80 and over72018589800.090 Why?
Multivariate Analysis22022121590.080 Why?
Cognition2202069640.080 Why?
Diagnostic Self Evaluation120102250.080 Why?
Mood Disorders1201511240.080 Why?
Sex Factors22014105460.080 Why?
Stomach Neoplasms1201814240.080 Why?
Esophageal Neoplasms1201816480.070 Why?
Mental Health1202232130.070 Why?
Regression Analysis1201763590.070 Why?
Personality120115520.070 Why?
Cross-Sectional Studies32019259410.070 Why?
Prevalence12024156860.070 Why?
Self Report1201837110.070 Why?
Pandemics2202386230.070 Why?
Severity of Illness Index32015158400.070 Why?
Adult620242200070.070 Why?
Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic12023103430.070 Why?
Self Concept1201210390.070 Why?
Sleep2202247500.060 Why?
Asthma1202461720.060 Why?
Mental Disorders1202467960.060 Why?
Delivery of Health Care1202253250.060 Why?
Head and Neck Neoplasms1201828820.060 Why?
Activities of Daily Living1201324170.050 Why?
Suicidal Ideation1201314250.050 Why?
Educational Status1201025140.050 Why?
Attitude to Health1201020290.050 Why?
Cognition Disorders1201539760.050 Why?
Dementia1201526500.050 Why?
Internship and Residency1201958700.040 Why?
Cohort Studies12021413370.040 Why?
Colorectal Neoplasms1201868530.040 Why?
Treatment Outcome22021649810.040 Why?
Risk Assessment22014241020.030 Why?
Retrospective Studies22021803450.030 Why?
Young Adult22022587480.030 Why?
Psychotherapy1202316400.030 Why?
Behavior Control12013470.030 Why?
Neoplasms12019220750.020 Why?
Alzheimer Disease1201185610.020 Why?
Program Evaluation1201724930.020 Why?
Personality Inventory1201110180.020 Why?
Self-Assessment120103930.020 Why?
Curriculum1201937180.020 Why?
Psychometrics1201530510.020 Why?
Geriatric Assessment1201314050.020 Why?
Focus Groups1201013780.010 Why?
Interpersonal Relations1201214280.010 Why?
Stress, Psychological1201944460.010 Why?
Clinical Competence1201947830.010 Why?
Reproducibility of Results12015200800.010 Why?
Proportional Hazards Models12011125310.010 Why?
Primary Health Care1201346470.010 Why?
Follow-Up Studies12011392620.010 Why?
Prospective Studies12012543060.000 Why?
Risk Factors12011743330.000 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.