Harvard Catalyst Profiles

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Andrew Seymour Oseran, M.D.

Concepts (98)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
Medicare Part C220233221.170 Why?
Empiricism1202270.850 Why?
Hospitals4202339290.730 Why?
Myocardial Infarction62024118910.650 Why?
Remote Consultation120212340.640 Why?
Cardiology2202017230.610 Why?
Subacute Care120191770.550 Why?
Health Services Accessibility3202253960.510 Why?
Cardiovascular System120238500.500 Why?
Skilled Nursing Facilities120193980.480 Why?
Heart Failure52024118350.460 Why?
Communicable Disease Control120218440.460 Why?
Reimbursement Mechanisms220206640.450 Why?
Metformin120219120.450 Why?
Cardiovascular Diseases42023157400.440 Why?
Patient Admission1202013840.420 Why?
Patient Discharge3202334750.420 Why?
Guidelines as Topic1201913950.420 Why?
Patient Transfer120197780.400 Why?
Influenza, Human1202315320.400 Why?
Rare Diseases120156190.340 Why?
Health Care Costs1202332570.340 Why?
Quality Improvement2202238400.340 Why?
Coronary Artery Bypass1201822730.320 Why?
Medicaid1202228110.320 Why?
Medicare4202367710.310 Why?
Ambulatory Care1201927830.300 Why?
United States142024723630.290 Why?
Patient Readmission4202333270.290 Why?
Referral and Consultation1201935980.270 Why?
Hospitalization42024107610.240 Why?
Cross-Sectional Studies62023259280.230 Why?
Telemedicine1202130050.220 Why?
Coronavirus Infections1202030860.210 Why?
Pneumonia, Viral1202032060.200 Why?
Embolic Protection Devices12022430.200 Why?
Electronic Health Records1201947630.200 Why?
Poland120211960.190 Why?
Emergency Service, Hospital1202078090.180 Why?
Humans2620247602610.170 Why?
Diagnosis-Related Groups120204500.160 Why?
Health Facility Size12018620.160 Why?
Medicare Part D120233540.150 Why?
Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic12015103400.150 Why?
Fee-for-Service Plans120237050.150 Why?
American Heart Association1202210810.150 Why?
Canada2202121280.140 Why?
Diabetes Mellitus, Type 212021122810.140 Why?
Aftercare120239180.140 Why?
Costs and Cost Analysis1202216790.140 Why?
International Classification of Diseases120218840.130 Why?
Polypharmacy120183070.130 Why?
Prescription Drugs120236300.130 Why?
Neoplasms, Unknown Primary120151020.120 Why?
Aged820231689950.120 Why?
Hospital Costs120209760.120 Why?
Long QT Syndrome120184650.110 Why?
Hospital Mortality2202454200.100 Why?
Analgesics1201810660.100 Why?
Poverty1202226950.090 Why?
Brain Ischemia1202431270.090 Why?
Motivation1202019900.090 Why?
Heart1202343920.090 Why?
Aortic Valve Stenosis1202220640.080 Why?
Feasibility Studies1202052010.080 Why?
Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction1201545730.080 Why?
Female820233910110.070 Why?
Antidepressive Agents1201828890.070 Why?
Registries1202284490.070 Why?
Neoplasms12015220660.070 Why?
Odds Ratio1201897120.070 Why?
Delivery of Health Care1202353240.060 Why?
Multivariate Analysis12018121560.060 Why?
Logistic Models12019133110.060 Why?
Retrospective Studies32023803010.060 Why?
Carcinoma1201523340.060 Why?
Male720223594130.050 Why?
Stroke1202499450.050 Why?
Pandemics1202086210.040 Why?
Anti-Bacterial Agents1201874000.040 Why?
Gene Expression Profiling1201593880.040 Why?
Cohort Studies12021413170.040 Why?
Aged, 80 and over22021589470.040 Why?
Risk Assessment12019240860.040 Why?
Young Adult12022586730.030 Why?
Drug Costs1202311840.030 Why?
Adolescent12022877470.030 Why?
Middle Aged320222201750.030 Why?
Adult220242198470.020 Why?
Health Expenditures1202323590.020 Why?
Mortality1202029160.020 Why?
Inpatients1202025780.020 Why?
Stroke Volume1202155130.020 Why?
Comorbidity12020105520.020 Why?
Electrocardiography1201864130.020 Why?
Practice Guidelines as Topic1202174680.010 Why?
Severity of Illness Index12020158270.010 Why?
Risk Factors12023742690.010 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.