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Rachel Buckley, Ph.D.

Similar People (60)

Similar people share similar sets of concepts, but are not necessarily co-authors.
The people in this list are ordered by decreasing similarity.
Name Also Co-Authors Similarity Score Why?
Reisa Anne Sperling, M.D. Yes 229.5
Bradley Theodore Hyman, M.D., Ph.D.210.1
Keith Alan Johnson, M.D. Yes 172.2
Dennis J. Selkoe, M.D.137.1
Rudolph Emile Tanzi, Ph.D. Yes 115.7
Dorene May Rentz, Psy.D. Yes 99.05
Yakeel T. Quiroz, Ph.D. Yes 93.07
Mohammad Arfan Ikram83.81
Heidi Irma Louisa Jacobs, Ph.D. Yes 80.07
Medellena Maria Lee Glymour, Sc.D.78.44
Bernard Hanseeuw, M.D., Ph.D. Yes 77.98
Jasmeer Preet Chhatwal, M.D.,Ph.D. Yes 75.94
Bradford Clark Dickerson, M.D.74.92
Steven Edward Arnold, M.D. Yes 73.40
Rebecca Amariglio, Ph.D. Yes 68.09
Dominic M. Walsh, Ph.D.65.55
Aaron Schultz, Ph.D. Yes 63.33
Gad Marshall, M.D. Yes 57.94
Francine Grodstein, Sc.D.55.76
Andrew E. Budson, M.D.54.78
JoAnn Manson, Dr.P.H., M.D. Yes 54.54
Kathryn Papp, Ph.D. Yes 53.62
Steven Mark Greenberg, M.D.,Ph.D.53.17
Cynthia Ann Lemere, Ph.D.52.69
Alvaro Pascual-Leone, M.D., Ph.D. Yes 51.65
Matthew P. Frosch, M.D.,Ph.D.51.00
Jorge Sepulcre, D.M.Sc., M.D., Ph.D. Yes 49.13
Deborah Lynne Blacker, M.D., Sc.D. Yes 47.25
Robert C Green, M.D.44.86
Matcheri S Keshavan, M.D.44.85
Grant L Iverson, Ph.D.44.51
Brian Bacskai, Ph.D.42.46
Hiroko Hayama Dodge, Ph.D.39.32
Albert Hofman, M.D., Ph.D.39.15
David H. Salat, Ph.D.38.66
Patrizia Vannini, Ph.D. Yes 36.93
Henning Tiemeier, Ph.D.35.49
Sharon K. Inouye, M.D.35.18
Alberto Serrano-Pozo, M.D., Ph.D.34.99
Emiliano Santarnecchi, Ph.D., Psy.D.34.60
Anand Viswanathan, M.D., Ph.D. Yes 34.53
Alireza Atri, M.D., Ph.D.34.03
Can Zhang, M.D., Ph.D. Yes 33.30
Ichiro Kawachi, M.B.,Ch.B., Ph.D.30.92
Zhongcong Xie, M.D., Ph.D.30.08
David Glahn, Ph.D.29.80
Jennifer Rose Gatchel, M.D. Yes 29.39
Ming T. Tsuang, D.Sc., M.D., Ph.D.28.88
Susan Redline, M.D.28.47
Olivia Ifeoma Okereke, M.D.28.06
Stephen V. Faraone, Ph.D.27.81
Walter C. Willett, Dr.P.H., M.D.27.32
Randy Lee Buckner, Ph.D. Yes 27.18
John Herbert Growdon, M.D.27.18
Julie Carol Price, Ph.D. Yes 26.79
Maurizio Fava, M.D.26.73
Mieke H. Verfaellie, Ph.D.26.06
Nancy Jean Donovan, M.D. Yes 25.53
Edward Ralph Marcantonio, M.D.25.49
Chongzhao Ran, Ph.D.24.90
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.