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Kristin L. Popp, Ph.D.

Concepts (99)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
Fractures, Stress1220222004.060 Why?
Military Personnel11202412442.430 Why?
Tibia13202410652.420 Why?
Bone Density20202435342.110 Why?
Running620224831.670 Why?
Menstruation320243071.650 Why?
Bone and Bones11202425601.630 Why?
Female Athlete Triad Syndrome32022611.100 Why?
Lower Extremity2202211940.830 Why?
Hypothalamo-Hypophyseal System120247000.700 Why?
Progesterone120247420.700 Why?
Bone Diseases120224190.610 Why?
Estradiol2202419320.600 Why?
Absorptiometry, Photon9202417360.570 Why?
Femur Neck120183120.560 Why?
Exercise7202357870.510 Why?
Bone Resorption320237200.460 Why?
Diphosphonates120186380.450 Why?
Osteoporosis1202216000.400 Why?
Menstrual Cycle220245360.350 Why?
Hip Fractures120189890.350 Why?
Hardness12009350.350 Why?
Athletes6202311250.340 Why?
Young Adult202024587410.340 Why?
Postmenopause1201825090.330 Why?
Athletic Injuries1201912090.330 Why?
Anthropometry4201913480.310 Why?
Musculoskeletal System220211810.300 Why?
Sports220237000.280 Why?
Cross-Sectional Studies92023259420.250 Why?
Body Composition2202424190.230 Why?
Procollagen120241880.230 Why?
Adult2020242199940.210 Why?
Female2720243912700.200 Why?
Adolescent152023878100.200 Why?
Follicle Stimulating Hormone120247250.200 Why?
Luteinizing Hormone120248200.200 Why?
Collagen Type I120246160.190 Why?
Tomography, X-Ray Computed92021205090.180 Why?
Weight-Bearing220205180.170 Why?
Ovary120249580.170 Why?
Humans3620247606210.160 Why?
Energy Metabolism2202228690.160 Why?
Osteocytes120201920.160 Why?
Space Flight120212140.150 Why?
Amenorrhea120214800.150 Why?
Bone Regeneration120204320.140 Why?
Osteogenesis3202312710.140 Why?
Gait120228120.140 Why?
Prospective Studies42024543030.130 Why?
Leptin1202315910.130 Why?
Muscle, Skeletal1200949250.120 Why?
Nutritional Status2202316070.120 Why?
Male1620243597440.110 Why?
Musculoskeletal Diseases120195950.110 Why?
Peptides1202443540.100 Why?
Case-Control Studies32020220530.100 Why?
Peptide Fragments1202451250.100 Why?
Demography1201616500.100 Why?
Calcium1202357250.090 Why?
Minnesota120093400.080 Why?
Drug Prescriptions1201816730.080 Why?
Recurrence1202184820.080 Why?
Compressive Strength120091570.080 Why?
Anti-Inflammatory Agents, Non-Steroidal1201822820.080 Why?
Sex Characteristics1201826290.080 Why?
Radius220224400.070 Why?
Bone Remodeling220225800.070 Why?
Body Mass Index12023129140.060 Why?
Socioeconomic Factors1201878060.060 Why?
Incidence22019213920.060 Why?
Calcifediol120221610.050 Why?
Growth Hormone120235680.050 Why?
United States32024724610.040 Why?
Prescriptions120223880.040 Why?
Risk Factors32021743590.040 Why?
Durapatite120191630.040 Why?
Athletic Performance120181050.040 Why?
Elastic Modulus120182100.040 Why?
Physical Examination1202312440.040 Why?
Menstruation Disturbances120181430.040 Why?
Vitamin D2202232910.030 Why?
Epidemiologic Research Design120193680.030 Why?
Stress, Mechanical1202016660.030 Why?
Lumbar Vertebrae1202318680.030 Why?
Adaptation, Physiological1202012960.030 Why?
Aged, 80 and over12018589950.030 Why?
Testosterone1202324700.030 Why?
Energy Intake1201821290.020 Why?
Phantoms, Imaging1201925120.020 Why?
Sex Factors22017105470.020 Why?
Aged220191691520.020 Why?
Middle Aged220192203520.020 Why?
Self Report1201837110.020 Why?
Longitudinal Studies12019144950.010 Why?
Prognosis12023296580.010 Why?
Retrospective Studies22022803720.010 Why?
Animals220201679630.010 Why?
Cohort Studies12017413350.010 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.