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George Velmahos, M.D.
Co-Authors (191)
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Co-Authors are people in Profiles who have published together.
Abiad, May
Abraczinskas, Diane
Achanta, Aditya
Albutt, Katherine
Allar, Benjamin
Anderson, Geoffrey
Anderson, Mark
Arda, Yasmin
Argandykov, Dias
Askari, Reza
Avery, Laura
Baugh, Christopher
Biddinger, Paul
Bittner, Edward
Blake, Michael
Bodien, Yelena
Bohnen, Jordan
Bono, Christopher
Borges, Lawrence
Bou Zein Eddine, Savo
Briggs, Susan
Camargo, Carlos
Catalano, Onofrio
Chang, David
Chang, Yuchiao
Choudhary, Manish
Conn, Alasdair
Cook, Charles
Cooper, Zara
Currier, Paul
Das Adhikari, Upasana
Daye, Dania
Dedeilia, Aikaterini
Demetri, Leah
Deshpande, Vikram
Dewane, Michael
Dey, Tanujit
Dillon, Simon
Dorn, Barry
Duggan, Michael
Duhaime, Ann-Christine
Dunn, Peter
Dzik, Walter
Edlow, Brian
Eng, George
Eruchalu, Chukwuma
Evans, Conor
Fagenholz, Peter
Farhat, Maha
Fernandez-Del Castillo, Carlos
Flaherty, Michael
Flores, Efren
Frydman, Galit
Fukudome, Eugene
Gartland, Rajshri
Gates, Jonathan
Gee, Michael
Gervais, Debra
Giacino, Joseph
Goessling, Wolfram
Goralnick, Eric
Gupta, Alok
Hahn, Peter
Harisinghani, Mukesh G
Harris, Mitchel
Havens, Joaquim
He, Shuhan
Hernandez-Barco, Yasmin
Herrera Escobar, Juan Pablo
Hirschberg, Ronald
Hodin, Richard
Houle, Timothy
Hurwitz, Shelley
Hutter, Matthew
Hwabejire, John
Ilkhani, Saba
Iqbal, Shams
Januzzi, James
Jarman, Molly
Jassar, Arminder
Kaafarani, Haytham
Kaban, Leonard
Kalva, Sanjeeva
Kambadakone Ramesh, Avinash
Kanj, Polina
Keraliya, Abhishek
Khurana, Bharti
Kilcoyne, Aoife
King, David
Kochevar, Irene
Kurth, Tobias
Kwolek, Christopher
Kwon, Douglas
Kwon, John
Lancaster, Robert
Lee, Grace
Lee, Jarone
Lee, Susanna
Lee-Lewandrowski, Elizabeth
Lev, Michael
Levy-Carrick, Nomi
Lewandrowski, Kent
Li, Jonathan
Libermann, Towia
Lillemoe, Keith
Lilley, Elizabeth
Lingwood, Daniel
Luckhurst, Casey
Ly, Thuan
Marcus, Leonard
Masiakos, Peter
Maurer, Lydia
McCarthy, Colin
McCarty, Justin
McGovern, Francis
McNulty, Eric
Mehta, Raaj
Melnitchouk, Serguei
Mercaldo, Sarah
Millham, Frederick
Mino-Kenudson, Mari
Mojtahed, Amirkasra
Mueller, Peter
Mullen, John
Nazarian, Rosalynn
Nisavic, Mladen
Nitzschke, Stephanie
Nordestgaard, Ask Tybjaerg
Novelline, Robert
Nzenwa, Ikemsinachi
Odom, Stephen
O'Donnell, Walter
Ortega, Gezzer
Panda, Nikhil
Panossian, Vahe
Parakh, Anushri
Paranjape, Charudutt
Parks, Jonathan
Peacock, Zachary
Peak, David
Pepe-Mooney, Brian
Petrusa, Emil
Phitayakorn, Roy
Pierce, Theodore
Pommerening, Matthew
Poznansky, Mark
Rabi, Seyed
Raja, Ali
Raju Paul, Susan
Ramly, Elie
Randolph, Mark
Redmond, Robert
Romero, Javier
Rosman, David
Rosovsky, Rachel
Rousakis, Emmanouil
Sacknoff, Richard
Safavi, Kyan
Saini, Sanjay
Salama, Ahmed
Salim, Ali
Samir, Anthony
Schiff, Abby
Schoenfeld, Andrew
Schulz, John
Secor, Jordan
Seethala, Raghu
Seshadri, Anupamaa
Sheridan, Robert
Shih, Angela
Simeone, Joseph
Singh, Ajay
Smink, Douglas
Sodickson, Aaron
Sotudian, Shahabeddin
Souter, Irene
Stone, James
Succi, Marc
Talmor, Daniel
Thabet, Ashraf
Tolis, George
Triant, Virginia
Warshaw, Andrew
Watkins, Michael
Wilens, Timothy
Yaffe, Michael
Yilmaz, Omer
Zacharias, Nikolaos
Zafonte, Ross
Zhang, Mingjuan
Zhao, Ting
Velmahos's Networks
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Concepts (1130)
Derived automatically from this person's publications.
Trauma Centers
Wounds and Injuries
Wounds, Nonpenetrating
Abdominal Injuries
Wounds, Penetrating
Co-Authors (191)
People in Profiles who have published with this person.
Fagenholz, Peter
Hwabejire, John
King, David
Kaafarani, Haytham
Salim, Ali
Similar People (60)
People who share similar concepts with this person.
Camargo, Carlos
King, David
Kaafarani, Haytham
Schermerhorn, Marc
Salim, Ali
Same Department
People in same department with this person.
Ellis, Danielle
Jassar, Arminder
Kobler, James
Lillemoe, Keith
Liyanage, Luckmini
Physical Neighbors
People whose addresses are nearby this person.
Delichatsios, Helen
Riley, Erika
Ananthakrishnan, Ashwin
David, William
Gardner, Steven