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Lauren L Orefice, Ph.D.

Concepts (115)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
Touch Perception520241071.630 Why?
Touch620243131.590 Why?
Sensory Receptor Cells420205131.160 Why?
Dendritic Spines220152430.830 Why?
Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor420206020.830 Why?
Isonicotinic Acids1201980.680 Why?
GABA Agonists120191050.650 Why?
Behavior, Animal4201918780.430 Why?
Methyl-CpG-Binding Protein 2320191870.420 Why?
Neurogenesis220158620.390 Why?
Morphogenesis120137410.330 Why?
Maze Learning220194830.270 Why?
Hippocampus3201737630.250 Why?
Fathers120073760.240 Why?
Dendrites320174750.230 Why?
Microfilament Proteins2201911340.230 Why?
Receptors, GABA-A220196230.220 Why?
Social Environment1200710200.200 Why?
Grooming12021380.190 Why?
Fragile X Syndrome120221160.190 Why?
Phenotype12019166060.190 Why?
Reaction Time1200720800.190 Why?
Merkel Cells12020240.180 Why?
Action Potentials2201918340.170 Why?
GABA-A Receptor Agonists12019860.170 Why?
Iron-Binding Proteins12019790.160 Why?
Iron-Sulfur Proteins12019830.160 Why?
Mice132024815090.160 Why?
Interneurons220205930.150 Why?
Epidermis120205270.140 Why?
Synapses2201617690.140 Why?
Anxiety3202445720.140 Why?
Rats, Sprague-Dawley4201781790.140 Why?
Nerve Tissue Proteins2201944140.140 Why?
Animals1520241684410.130 Why?
Video Recording120219660.130 Why?
Receptor, Nerve Growth Factor12015480.130 Why?
Brain22019271070.130 Why?
Stress, Psychological2200744770.120 Why?
Receptor, trkB120151240.120 Why?
Social Behavior1202111340.120 Why?
rhoA GTP-Binding Protein120152340.120 Why?
rac1 GTP-Binding Protein120152420.120 Why?
Mice, Inbred C57BL52021221630.110 Why?
Disease Models, Animal42019182470.100 Why?
Cells, Cultured42017189640.100 Why?
Epilepsy1200732900.100 Why?
Motor Activity1202127110.090 Why?
Mice, Knockout42020144090.090 Why?
Receptors, N-Methyl-D-Aspartate120158940.090 Why?
Rats32015237420.080 Why?
Interpersonal Relations1201614360.080 Why?
HEK293 Cells2201942780.080 Why?
Spinal Cord1201618180.080 Why?
Paternal Behavior12007330.070 Why?
Housing, Animal12007470.070 Why?
Memory1201721870.070 Why?
Synaptic Transmission1201211730.070 Why?
Endocrine System120071140.070 Why?
gamma-Aminobutyric Acid1201211400.070 Why?
Neural Stem Cells120128880.060 Why?
Mice, Inbred Strains1200717620.060 Why?
Image Processing, Computer-Assisted1202189990.060 Why?
Up-Regulation1201241240.050 Why?
Random Allocation1200723940.050 Why?
Fragile X Mental Retardation Protein120221160.050 Why?
Chi-Square Distribution1200734180.050 Why?
Disease Susceptibility1200717930.040 Why?
Iron Regulatory Protein 212019420.040 Why?
Analysis of Variance1200762310.040 Why?
Activating Transcription Factor 412019840.040 Why?
Male920213607360.040 Why?
Sulfur120191620.040 Why?
Friedreich Ataxia12019770.040 Why?
K562 Cells120196420.040 Why?
Female820213925810.030 Why?
Mothers1200721920.030 Why?
Microscopy, Electron1202025610.030 Why?
NF-E2-Related Factor 2120193730.030 Why?
Mechanoreceptors120161880.030 Why?
Pattern Recognition, Automated120219970.030 Why?
Mutation12019300450.030 Why?
Walking1202112000.030 Why?
Seizures1200729570.030 Why?
Kinetics1202163740.030 Why?
Mice, Mutant Strains1201717500.030 Why?
Mitochondrial Proteins120199760.030 Why?
Molecular Biology120165780.030 Why?
Drosophila melanogaster1202117120.030 Why?
Mice, Transgenic2201795350.030 Why?
Electroencephalography1200762240.020 Why?
Protein-Tyrosine Kinases1202024230.020 Why?
Iron1201917920.020 Why?
Caenorhabditis elegans1201914560.020 Why?
Membrane Glycoproteins1202037020.020 Why?
Humans620227614230.020 Why?
Axons1201616740.020 Why?
Saccharomyces cerevisiae1201926870.020 Why?
Oxidative Stress1201931100.020 Why?
Mice, Neurologic Mutants120071070.020 Why?
Electroshock120071210.020 Why?
Visual Acuity1201726720.020 Why?
Hindlimb Suspension12007750.020 Why?
Corticosterone120073050.020 Why?
Neural Pathways1201630570.020 Why?
Genetic Predisposition to Disease12007179120.020 Why?
Mitochondria1201936230.020 Why?
Corticotropin-Releasing Hormone120073610.020 Why?
Reproducibility of Results12021200930.010 Why?
Cell Count1200718350.010 Why?
Quality of Life12022133610.010 Why?
Neurons1201794620.010 Why?
Signal Transduction12020234410.010 Why?
Age Factors12012184000.010 Why?
Cell Differentiation12012115260.010 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.