Harvard Catalyst Profiles

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Sarah Nicole Kunz, M.D.

Concepts (90)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
Intensive Care Units, Neonatal620228331.150 Why?
Patient Transfer320217790.840 Why?
Hospital Planning12020220.710 Why?
Regional Medical Programs12020680.680 Why?
Nurseries, Hospital12018170.650 Why?
Referral and Consultation3202135980.620 Why?
Perinatal Care120202420.580 Why?
Bartter Syndrome12015230.500 Why?
Parental Consent12015630.470 Why?
Infant, Premature2202420920.430 Why?
Intensive Care, Neonatal120151970.430 Why?
Gastroschisis12013990.400 Why?
Treatment Refusal120154300.380 Why?
Enterocolitis, Necrotizing120153260.370 Why?
Digestive System Surgical Procedures120155750.330 Why?
Hospitals1202139280.290 Why?
Health Policy1202026770.290 Why?
Infant, Newborn92024261790.250 Why?
Models, Statistical1201750750.200 Why?
Decision Making1201539250.180 Why?
Australasia12020210.180 Why?
Portugal12020910.180 Why?
Nurse Practitioners120222680.170 Why?
Transportation of Patients120201760.160 Why?
Infant, Very Low Birth Weight120204060.140 Why?
Ethical Analysis12015410.120 Why?
Infant Mortality120207560.120 Why?
Infant62024360530.120 Why?
Canada1202021260.120 Why?
Ethics Consultation12015590.120 Why?
Quality of Life12015133080.110 Why?
California1201714160.110 Why?
Patient Discharge2202034740.100 Why?
ROC Curve1201835680.090 Why?
Professional-Family Relations120154950.090 Why?
Withholding Treatment120156130.090 Why?
Choice Behavior120158210.080 Why?
Bronchiolitis, Viral12007820.070 Why?
Vermont12024830.060 Why?
Logistic Models22017133120.060 Why?
Retrospective Studies32022803450.050 Why?
Premature Birth1201517700.050 Why?
Genes, Neurofibromatosis 112002740.050 Why?
Genes, p16120021590.050 Why?
Interphase120022280.050 Why?
Humans1220247606130.050 Why?
Genes, erbB-1120021600.050 Why?
Cytogenetic Analysis120022710.050 Why?
Bronchiolitis120084810.050 Why?
Nerve Sheath Neoplasms120021670.050 Why?
Follow-Up Studies22018392620.040 Why?
Emergency Service, Hospital2200878180.040 Why?
Prognosis12018296610.040 Why?
Guideline Adherence1200722830.030 Why?
Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic12013103430.030 Why?
Cross-Sectional Studies12017259410.030 Why?
Gestational Age1202435640.030 Why?
Antiviral Agents1200730610.030 Why?
Health Resources120209350.030 Why?
United States22020724480.030 Why?
Child, Preschool22013420560.030 Why?
Female520243912460.020 Why?
Patient Care Team1202225110.020 Why?
Male420183597180.020 Why?
Antibodies, Monoclonal1200791850.020 Why?
Practice Guidelines as Topic1200774750.020 Why?
Communication1202238490.020 Why?
Hospitalization12008107890.020 Why?
Child22013797990.020 Why?
Multicenter Studies as Topic1200817220.010 Why?
Sex Distribution1200822940.010 Why?
Polyribosomes120021090.010 Why?
Probability1200824750.010 Why?
Age Distribution1200828930.010 Why?
Pregnancy12024297460.010 Why?
Adult120152200070.010 Why?
Health Care Surveys1200724350.010 Why?
Emergency Medicine1200711960.010 Why?
Gene Amplification1200210850.010 Why?
Homozygote1200217880.010 Why?
Risk Factors12024743330.010 Why?
Gene Deletion1200226680.010 Why?
Multivariate Analysis12008121590.010 Why?
Prospective Studies22008543060.010 Why?
Pediatrics1200735860.010 Why?
Predictive Value of Tests12008152860.010 Why?
Severity of Illness Index12008158400.010 Why?
Incidence12008213910.010 Why?
Cohort Studies12008413370.000 Why?
Treatment Outcome12008649810.000 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.