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Patricia Jean O'Malley, M.D.

Concepts (147)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
Professional-Family Relations820144951.980 Why?
Death520146741.430 Why?
Organizational Policy520144291.080 Why?
Bereavement320143070.780 Why?
Emergency Service, Hospital9201478100.610 Why?
Pediatrics8201435870.480 Why?
Hospital Mortality4201452730.440 Why?
Emergencies3201412090.350 Why?
Emergency Medical Services10200719150.270 Why?
Disabled Children120082510.260 Why?
Resuscitation420146610.220 Why?
Office Visits120075960.220 Why?
Interdisciplinary Communication120089310.210 Why?
Episode of Care120011270.180 Why?
Autopsy2201410030.180 Why?
Models, Organizational220175460.180 Why?
Emergency Medicine3201411950.160 Why?
Cystic Fibrosis2201712740.140 Why?
Tissue and Organ Procurement220149430.130 Why?
Risk Adjustment420046000.130 Why?
Heart Arrest2201314940.120 Why?
Program Development1200112970.120 Why?
Health Services Research1200118120.110 Why?
Anecdotes as Topic12013560.110 Why?
Hospitalization12013106530.110 Why?
Child152014798130.110 Why?
Terminal Care2201517500.100 Why?
Streptococcal Infections119976170.100 Why?
Palliative Care2201735700.090 Why?
Shock, Septic119977610.090 Why?
Persistent Vegetative State120132730.090 Why?
Research Design2200461540.080 Why?
Health Priorities320013750.080 Why?
Child, Preschool62014420580.080 Why?
Child Abuse1199710680.070 Why?
Infant52014360540.070 Why?
Physicians' Offices12007600.070 Why?
Cost of Illness1201719360.070 Why?
Patient-Centered Care2200614150.070 Why?
Evaluation Studies as Topic1200816280.070 Why?
Patient Rights120061250.070 Why?
Intensive Care Units, Pediatric1201310140.060 Why?
Civil Defense120071150.060 Why?
Infant, Newborn32014261820.060 Why?
Life Support Care219952210.060 Why?
Emergency Treatment120064960.050 Why?
Substance-Related Disorders2199944020.050 Why?
Humans2820177583810.050 Why?
Anxiety1201745380.050 Why?
Family Health1200612560.050 Why?
Health Personnel1201533110.050 Why?
Adolescent72017878880.050 Why?
Physician's Role120069170.040 Why?
Urban Health120025330.040 Why?
Fever1198616170.040 Why?
Bacterial Infections1198614010.040 Why?
Sex Distribution3200222830.040 Why?
Child Welfare120025160.040 Why?
United States112015721400.040 Why?
Health Planning Guidelines119981510.040 Why?
Depression1201780570.040 Why?
Practice Guidelines as Topic1201473770.030 Why?
Psychiatric Nursing11996150.030 Why?
Societies, Medical1200838910.030 Why?
Morbidity1200117540.030 Why?
Adaptation, Psychological2201726290.030 Why?
Violence120029340.030 Why?
Aftercare120019100.030 Why?
Delivery of Health Care1201353310.030 Why?
Patient Care Management120173020.030 Why?
Quality of Life12015132860.030 Why?
Quality of Health Care1200843170.030 Why?
Female1320173903160.030 Why?
Alcohol Drinking2199640200.030 Why?
Fatal Outcome1199718290.030 Why?
Military Personnel1199912440.020 Why?
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation119979850.020 Why?
Wounds and Injuries1200224760.020 Why?
Needs Assessment1201511410.020 Why?
Survival Analysis12001101120.020 Why?
Male1120173587420.020 Why?
Burnout, Professional119967010.020 Why?
Risk Assessment12008238830.020 Why?
Methods1198610740.020 Why?
Peak Expiratory Flow Rate120041440.010 Why?
Data Collection3200233220.010 Why?
Disease Management1201525000.010 Why?
Personal Autonomy120063020.010 Why?
Databases as Topic120044720.010 Why?
Health Policy1199526750.010 Why?
Prevalence21999156460.010 Why?
Quality Assurance, Health Care2200421670.010 Why?
Treatment Outcome12008643790.010 Why?
Diagnosis, Differential11997129510.010 Why?
Curriculum1201537170.010 Why?
Oximetry120044600.010 Why?
Attitude of Health Personnel1201538670.010 Why?
Glasgow Coma Scale120025790.010 Why?
Stress, Psychological1199644570.010 Why?
Population Surveillance2200226060.010 Why?
Time Factors12001398730.010 Why?
First Aid11999670.010 Why?
Europe2199534200.010 Why?
Emergency Medical Service Communication Systems11998210.010 Why?
Terminology as Topic2199515330.010 Why?
Smoking1199590420.010 Why?
Hospitals, General120027950.010 Why?
Emergency Medical Technicians119981190.010 Why?
Occupations119995150.010 Why?
Dyspnea1200413440.010 Why?
Age Distribution1200228820.010 Why?
Documentation120028920.010 Why?
Family1200631880.010 Why?
Adult620172199160.010 Why?
Health Care Surveys1200224320.010 Why?
Hospitals, Psychiatric119963200.010 Why?
Risk1198695990.010 Why?
Pain Measurement1200435270.010 Why?
Physician-Patient Relations1200632420.010 Why?
Personality Inventory1199610180.010 Why?
Hospitals, Pediatric1200218540.010 Why?
Regression Analysis1200263530.010 Why?
Triage119999860.010 Why?
Patient Satisfaction1200434460.010 Why?
Job Satisfaction119965390.010 Why?
Random Allocation1199623850.010 Why?
Cost-Benefit Analysis1200454840.010 Why?
Educational Status1199925130.010 Why?
Academic Medical Centers1200227510.010 Why?
Social Environment1199610220.010 Why?
Analysis of Variance1199962330.010 Why?
Delivery of Health Care, Integrated119989320.010 Why?
Research1199819760.010 Why?
Residence Characteristics1199920580.010 Why?
Boston1200293040.000 Why?
Forecasting1199829200.000 Why?
Risk Factors11995738060.000 Why?
Adolescent Behavior1199611840.000 Why?
Middle Aged320152195600.000 Why?
Students1199617340.000 Why?
Reproducibility of Results12002200520.000 Why?
Incidence12002212730.000 Why?
Longitudinal Studies11999144810.000 Why?
Prospective Studies12002541360.000 Why?
Cohort Studies11996412520.000 Why?
Retrospective Studies12002801700.000 Why?
Aged119991682170.000 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.