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Anne Feng Hseu, M.D.

Concepts (99)

Concepts are derived automatically from a person's publications.
Concepts are listed by decreasing relevance which is based on many factors, including how many publications the person wrote about that topic, how long ago those publications were written, and how many publications other people have written on that same topic.
Name Number of Publications Most Recent Publication Publications by All Authors Concept Score Why?
Dysphonia620231443.720 Why?
Polyps220221891.430 Why?
Laryngeal Diseases220222411.280 Why?
Vocal Cords420235281.270 Why?
Larynx320224941.190 Why?
Voice Quality420232170.950 Why?
Vocal Cord Paralysis420232670.910 Why?
Hoarseness22022650.850 Why?
Submandibular Gland Diseases12019210.680 Why?
Laryngoscopy520227100.630 Why?
Neck Injuries120191520.600 Why?
Voice120212590.600 Why?
Asthma, Exercise-Induced12016240.570 Why?
Injections120178390.490 Why?
Foreign Bodies120194000.490 Why?
Respiratory System Abnormalities12015690.480 Why?
Fasciitis12015650.480 Why?
Down Syndrome120228800.460 Why?
Tracheoesophageal Fistula120151290.460 Why?
Deglutition Disorders120186060.440 Why?
Infant, Premature, Diseases120187030.420 Why?
Glottis120132170.410 Why?
Laryngostenosis120131610.400 Why?
Bacterial Infections1201914000.370 Why?
Neck120156980.360 Why?
Head120158780.340 Why?
Infant, Premature1201820310.330 Why?
Child122023776370.230 Why?
Bronchoscopy220188610.200 Why?
Infant82023351220.190 Why?
Child, Preschool82023409640.190 Why?
Severity of Illness Index42023155260.190 Why?
Exercise1201656110.180 Why?
Speech-Language Pathology12019260.170 Why?
Stroboscopy12019640.170 Why?
Feathers12019300.170 Why?
Brachiocephalic Trunk12019440.170 Why?
Respiratory Tract Fistula12019260.170 Why?
Laryngomalacia12018300.160 Why?
Vascular Fistula12019500.160 Why?
Birds120191630.160 Why?
Laryngoplasty12018530.160 Why?
Tracheal Diseases120191130.160 Why?
Tracheotomy120191660.160 Why?
Gelatin Sponge, Absorbable12017600.150 Why?
Respiratory Aspiration12018810.150 Why?
Retrospective Studies82023774100.150 Why?
Adolescent82023857290.150 Why?
Prevalence42018152110.150 Why?
Durapatite120171590.140 Why?
Gastroesophageal Reflux120227820.130 Why?
Respiratory System120185570.130 Why?
Tracheostomy120184010.130 Why?
Male1320233497760.130 Why?
Tracheomalacia12015630.120 Why?
Congenital Abnormalities120187070.120 Why?
Mitomycin120132590.110 Why?
Female1220233800200.110 Why?
Dilatation120132910.110 Why?
Respiratory Sounds120166960.100 Why?
Esophageal Atresia120152010.100 Why?
Respiratory Function Tests1201616150.100 Why?
Self Report1202335500.100 Why?
Otorhinolaryngologic Surgical Procedures120153120.100 Why?
Administration, Topical120136890.100 Why?
Humans1720237438110.100 Why?
Comorbidity22016103800.100 Why?
Demography1201516530.090 Why?
Gestational Age1201834880.090 Why?
Exercise Test1201620740.080 Why?
Dyspnea1201613030.080 Why?
Patient Care Team1201925280.080 Why?
Deglutition220181980.070 Why?
Evidence-Based Medicine1201736080.070 Why?
Disease Management1201524590.060 Why?
Reoperation1201342000.060 Why?
Follow-Up Studies22015390010.050 Why?
Massachusetts1201586600.050 Why?
Recurrence1201383370.050 Why?
Esophageal pH Monitoring120221910.050 Why?
Diagnosis, Differential12016129540.050 Why?
Quality of Life12022127880.050 Why?
Practice Guidelines as Topic1201772700.050 Why?
Electric Impedance120227290.040 Why?
Proton Pump Inhibitors120225260.040 Why?
Cohort Studies22023405450.040 Why?
Endoscopy, Gastrointestinal120228680.030 Why?
Risk Assessment12013233270.030 Why?
Time Factors12013400380.030 Why?
Treatment Outcome22018630420.020 Why?
Ultrasonography1202359860.020 Why?
Animals120191686600.020 Why?
Adult220182138890.010 Why?
Inflammation12022106290.010 Why?
Age Factors12018183550.010 Why?
Aged120131631780.010 Why?
Middle Aged120132132410.010 Why?
Prospective Studies12023532500.010 Why?
Young Adult12018563920.010 Why?
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Funded by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through its Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program, grant number UL1TR002541.